
第二节书面表达(满分25分)随着科技的发展,网络进入我们的日常生活,因此网上购物变得越来越普遍。《21世纪报》就网上购物进行了讨论,请你根据以下内容为其投稿。 1.网上购物的优势:足不出户就可以满足购物要求;商品价格相对便宜;操作简单。 2.网上购物的不足:商品存在质量隐患;广告的可信度不确定;容易上当受骗。 3.你的观点:注意:l.词数100左右;2.短文的开头已给出(不计入总词数)。参考词汇:quality质量 With the development of science and technology, the Internet comes into our everyday life. It helps us in many ways. Shopping: online is a good example.……

One possible version:
With the development of science, the Internet has come into our everyday life. it helps us in many ways. Shopping is a good example. We can buy the things we want on the Internet without leaving our homes. Shopping on the Internet can save us a lot of time. What’s more, the goods may be even cheaper than those in shops.
Though it is convenient and fast to shop on the Internet, there is still something for us to worry about. Quality is a big problem. We can’t see the goods on the Internet. After all, we can’t choose them ourselves. Besides, lots of advertisements on the Internet are untrustworthy, so sometimes we are easily cheated.
Therefore, we should be careful while we’re enjoying the convenience of high technology.
