求专业外贸人员翻译,不专业的,或通过软件的别在这里发,多谢!! “请问是否可以将此货物的申报价值改


Please tell if it's possible to revise the declared value within $700 since it'll cannot be delivered by FedEx if you declare as the real value ($3000). In previous decades, we usually did like this for express delivery shipments - let the value within express companies' limits. Expecting your reply. Thank you so much!
第1个回答  2015-06-03
please advise can we change the declared good value into a number less than 700US$? The goods can not be FeDexed due to the actual said value of $3000. As per our past 10 years experience, we can make it if the value is with in its limit.
第2个回答  2015-06-03