
1. 他是中国当代最伟大的画家之一。
2. 运动会因大雨不得不被推迟。
3. 徐悲鸿以生动的奔马图而著称。
4. 我为儿子买了一系列的历史书。
5. 警察在犯罪现场寻找线索
6. 你们应该轮流照顾你们的父亲。
7. 她说那些老歌唱来唱去都唱腻了。
8. 这个课程的目标是在很短的时间内提高我的英语。
9. 面对这种形式,政府采取了一系列的重要举措。
10. 对生活你应该采取积极地态度。
11. 我永远忘不了地震后的悲惨情景。
12. 这两幅画在许多方面不同。
13. 我厌倦了他的乏味的演讲。
14. 老师的脸上有一丝焦虑的表情。
15. 最终是谁收养的那个弃儿?
16. 我哥哥喜欢临摹齐白石的作品。
17. 我们的主要目的是你们更快的彼此了解。
18. 她建议会议推至下周。
19. 一旦你答应了,你就应该把它变成现实。
20. 我坐在角落里观察当时发生的事情。


1. He is one of the greatest living painter.
2. Games had to be postponed due to heavy rain.
3. Xu Beihong to vivid Galloping Horse is known for.
4. I bought for his son a series of history books.
5. Police search for clues at the crime scene
6. You should take turns to take care of your father.
7. She said that those old songs to sing to have tired of singing.
8. The course objective is in a very short period of time to improve my English.
9. Faced with this form, the Government has taken a series of important measures.
10. For life you should take positive attitude.
11. I'll never forget the tragic scene after the earthquake.
12. These two paintings in many ways different.
13. I am tired of his boring speeches.
14. Teacher's face with a trace of anxiety.
15. Ultimately abandoned children who adopted that?
16. My brother like to copy the works of Chi Pai-shih.
17. Our main purpose is to understand each other you faster.
18. She suggested that the meeting pushed to next week.
19. Once you have promised, you should put it into a reality.
20. I sat in the corner and observe what is happening at that time.
第1个回答  2010-01-02
第2个回答  2010-01-02
1. He is one of the greatest painters in modern China.
2. The sports meet has to be postponed because of the heavy rain.
3. Xu Beihong is famous for his living pictures of "Galloping Horses".
4. I bought a series of history books for my son.
5. The police are looking for clues at the crime scene.
6. You should take care of your father in turn.
7. She said she was tired of singing all the old songs.
8. The object of the course is to improve my English in a very short time.
9. The government took a series of important measurements in face of this situation.
10. You should adopt a positive attitude toward life.
11. I will never forget the horrible scenes after the earthquake.
12. These two pictures differ in many aspects.
13. I am fed up with his boring speech.
14. There is a touch of anxiety on the teacher's face.
15. Who adopted the foundling at last?
16. My bother likes to copy the works of Qi Baishi.
17. Our main goal is to make you get to know each other sooner.
18. She suggested that the meeting be postponed until next week.
19. You are supposed to turn it into reality once you made a promise.
20. I was sitting in the corner watching what was happening.
第3个回答  2010-01-02
1. He is one of the greatest living painter.
2. Games had to be postponed due to heavy rain.
3. Xu Beihong to vivid Galloping Horse is known for.
4. I bought for his son a series of history books.
5. Police search for clues at the crime scene
6. You should take turns to take care of your father.
7. She said that those old songs to sing to have tired of singing.
8. The course objective is in a very short period of time to improve my English.
9. Faced with this form, the Government has taken a series of important measures.
10. For life you should take positive attitude.
11. I'll never forget the tragic scene after the earthquake.
12. These two paintings in many ways different.
13. I am tired of his boring speeches.
14. Teacher's face with a trace of anxiety.
15. Ultimately abandoned children who adopted that?
16. My brother like to copy the works of Chi Pai-shih.
17. Our main purpose is to understand each other you faster.
18. She suggested that the meeting pushed to next week.
19. Once you have promised, you should put it into a reality.
20. I sat in the corner and observe what is happening at that time.