
一类印刷或手写字体,非常华丽,即“OLD ENGLISH TEXT”。哥特是装饰性很强的字体,比较重视线条,花纹的变化也采用了植物做装饰,多注意字体线条的粗细,以及注意边角的设计。






Gothic text of a class of printed or handwritten font, very ornate, that is, "OLD ENGLISH TEXT".Gothic is a highly decorative fonts, more emphasis on lines, the changes in patterns of plant also used as decoration, more attention to the thickness of the font line, and pay attention to the corners design.

Literary genres from the 18th century has been a number of literary works, these works joined forces to handle brutal passion and supernatural horror theme, the background of the novel is usually constructed deep in the desolate castle or monastery, in typical Gothic novel, the role of is a vampire.

They are full of musical genres depressed world-weary mood. Music is often bone-chilling, both with a fine sense of beauty, but also large-scale use at the range level, deviate from the melody line, inconsistent tone, for all the traditional music of extreme contempt.
darkwave、gotht-echno、dark-alternative、ambienteIn the Gothic music, we can savor some of religion, sex, death, despair, Christ's statement, music, darkwave, gotht-echno, dark-alternative, ambiente like the term is "Gothic Style" .

Film genre film combines great deal of suffering, hatred, bloodshed, elegant Gothic elements and so on.
Gege Te-style building is a building to wind the second half of the 11th century, originated in France, the 13 ~ 15th century architectural style popular in Europe as a. Mainly seen in the Cathedral, Gothic architecture with its superb technical and artistic achievements, history occupies an important position in the construction.
Gothic church architecture from the stone skeleton composed of coupons and flying buttress. Gothic-style church interior space Gaokuang, simple and unified.

Common clothing of any black things, or other dark, leather, PVC, rubber, latex fabrics are essential.
Pale skin, black hair, very light blond hair, red hair or purple hair. Black and white make-up.
The Middle Ages, waist is also very common. Wide tie or collar.
Silver. T-shaped Cross chapter. Five-pointed star. Cross opera-style shawls, cape and long gloves.
Embody the perfect body ratio is the most the most important Gothic-style dress.


Gothic text of a class of printed or handwritten font, very ornate, that is, "OLD ENGLISH TEXT". 哥特是装饰性很强的字体,比较重视线条,花纹的变化也采用了植物做装饰,多注意字体线条的粗细,以及注意边角的设计。 Gothic is a highly decorative fonts, more emphasis on lines, the changes in patterns of plant also used as decoration, more attention to the thickness of the font line, and pay attention to the corners design.

文学流派从18世纪末以来的一些文学作品,这些作品戮力于处理残酷的激情与超自然的恐怖主题,而小说的背景通常建构于荒凉的古堡或者幽深的修道院,哥特小说中比较典型的角色是吸血鬼. Literary genres from the 18th century has been a number of literary works, these works joined forces to handle brutal passion and supernatural horror theme, the background of the novel is usually constructed deep in the desolate castle or monastery, in typical Gothic novel, the role of is a vampire.

音乐流派它们充斥着沉郁厌世的情调。 They are full of musical genres depressed world-weary mood. 音乐往往冰冷刺骨,既带有精细的美感,但又同时在音域层面上大量使用偏离旋律线的不协调音,对于一切传统音乐极端的蔑视。 Music is often bone-chilling, both with a fine sense of beauty, but also large-scale use at the range level, deviate from the melody line, inconsistent tone, for all the traditional music of extreme contempt.
在哥特音乐的中,我们可以细味到一些涉及宗教、性爱、死亡、绝望、基督语句,音乐上,darkwave、gotht-echno、dark-alternative、ambiente之类的名词都是“哥特风格”。 In the Gothic music, we can savor some of religion, sex, death, despair, Christ's statement, music, darkwave, gotht-echno, dark-alternative, ambiente like the term is "Gothic Style" .

电影流派影片融合了大量痛苦、仇恨、血腥、优雅等哥特元素。 Film genre film combines great deal of suffering, hatred, bloodshed, elegant Gothic elements and so on.
建筑风格哥特式建筑是11世纪下半叶起源于法国,13~15世纪流行于欧洲的一种建筑风格。 Gege Te-style building is a building to wind the second half of the 11th century, originated in France, the 13 ~ 15th century architectural style popular in Europe as a. 主要见于天主教堂,哥特式建筑以其高超的技术和艺术成就,在建筑史上占有重要地位。 Mainly seen in the Cathedral, Gothic architecture with its superb technical and artistic achievements, history occupies an important position in the construction.
哥特式教堂的结构体系由石头的骨架券和飞扶壁组成。 Gothic church architecture from the stone skeleton composed of coupons and flying buttress. 哥特式教堂的内部空间高旷、单纯、统一。 Gothic-style church interior space Gaokuang, simple and unified.

常见服饰任何黑色的东西,或其它暗色,皮革、PVC、橡胶、乳胶都是必不可少的面料。 Common clothing of any black things, or other dark, leather, PVC, rubber, latex fabrics are essential.
苍白的皮肤,黑发、极浅的金发、红发或紫发。 Pale skin, black hair, very light blond hair, red hair or purple hair. 黑白化妆。 Black and white make-up.
中世纪的束腰也极为常见。 The Middle Ages, waist is also very common. 宽领带或项圈。 Wide tie or collar.
银饰。 Silver. T形十字章。 T-shaped Cross chapter. 五角星。 Five-pointed star. 十字架歌剧风格的披肩、斗篷和长手套。 Cross opera-style shawls, cape and long gloves.
体现身上的完美比例才是哥特最最主要的穿着风格。 Embody the perfect body ratio is the most the most important Gothic-style dress。
第1个回答  2009-11-14
Elder brother especially text
A type of printing or handwritten form of written, very gorgeous, namely"OLD ENGLISH TEXT".Elder brother especially is decorate sex very strong form of written and relatively value lines, the variety of wood grain also adopted a plant to decorate and noticed form of written lines more of thick thin, and notice the design of side Cape.

The literature flows a parties
From the end of 18th century of some literature works, these works are joined hands to a processing ruthlessness intense emotion and supernatural terrible topic, but the background of the novel usually construct or purchase at the desolate ancient fortress or the profound monastery, elder brother especially more typical role in the novel is a blood-sucking vampire.

Music flows a parties
They are full of deeply depressed and cynical sentimental appeal.Music usually icy cold sting bone, since take to have fine pleasant impression, but again deviate a not moderating of the melody line sound on a great deal of usage of level in the sound area in the meantime, for the disregarding of the whole traditional music extremitieses.
At elder brother especially musical medium, we can ponder some involve a religion, have sexual love, die, despair, Christ language sentence, musically, all of the words like the darkwave, gotht-echno, dark-alternative and ambiente are "elder brother especially style".

The movie flows a parties
The film blended a great deal of pain and sufferings, old grudge, bloody and elegant etc. elder brother the chemical element is especially.
Construct a style
Elder brother especially the type building is second half leaf to originate France in 11th century and is widely accepted a kind of building style of Europe in 13~15th century.Mainly Be seen to cathedral, elder brother especially the type building is achieved with his superb technique and art and occupy an important position in constructing a history.
Elder brother especially the type bema structure system from the framework coupon of rock with fly to hand wall to constitute.Elder brother especially the type bema internal space high Kuang, simplicity, unify.

Familiar dress
The thing in any black, or other dark colors, leather and all of PVC, rubber and foam rubbers are the noodles of the essential to haves to anticipate.
Pale skin, black hair, the most shallow light hair and red or purple hair.The black and white makes up.
The basinet girdle is also extremely familiar.Breadth tie or item turn.
The silver decorates.The T form is ten word chapters.Five Cape stars.The cross
The shawl, cape of opera style and long gloves.
Embody a body up of the perfect comparison is an elder brother especially most the dress style of most.
第2个回答  2020-01-19
第3个回答  2020-05-17
第4个回答  2020-04-22
第5个回答  2020-05-28