
张家港工厂发了一个清单给我,包装费用0.6元每件。我们将承担一半的费用,但是张家港不接受这个建议,需要我们承担所有包装费用,他告诉我 之前给你的报价不包含包装费用,我们将在价格上增加0.6元 ,请确认

Zhangjiagang factory sent me a list and said that the packing cost is 0.6 RMB per piece, which we will share half of it. But Zhangjiagang factory doesn't accept our proposal. They ask us to bear all the packing cost and he told me that the previous quotation didn't include packing efforts. This means that we need to increase the price by 0.6 RMB per piece. Please confrim.
第1个回答  2016-08-31
Zhangjiagang factory made a list to me, packaging costs 0.6 yuan per piece. We want to bear half the cost, but Zhangjiagang does not accept this proposal, they said we need to bear all the cost of package, he told me the quotation you gave does not include the cost of package, we will increase 0.6 yuan on the price, please confirm本回答被网友采纳