

informal english is widely used in daily talks. formal english is mainly used in articals. As to informal english, it doesn't require strict grammer structure, expressions and words, but formal english requires a lot, so when talking, people prefer use informal english to formal english, and informal english looks lively and flexible and not so rigid.
第1个回答  2009-10-21
Formal English is more common in writing than in speaking. For example, it is found in notices, announcements and business letters, while Informal English is more common in speaking than in writing. It is usually spoken with family and friends.
For example, we say child in formal English while kid in informal English
If I want to talk with my friend, I would say: “Can I have a word with you?”, while I should say to a teacher or a person who I’m not familiar with:“Can I (have the honor to) speak to you?”
We say ‘buy’ something in oral English but ‘purchase’ in written En I can write to my dear friend ‘I’m looking forward to your answer’ but ‘I’m looking forward to your reply’ is preferred in business letters.