

1. 词汇用法区分:ill通常用作表语,而sick除了可以用作表语外,还可以用作定语。
2. 具体用法差异:sick常用来表示“恶心”的感觉,而ill则用来描述身体不适或疾病状态。ill有时也可以表示“不好的”或“不吉利的”含义。
3. 例句改写:
- The company's conservative instincts are ill-suited to competition.
- She has brought misfortune into her family.
- He asserts that he harbors no ill will towards Johnson.
- We cannot afford another scandal; it would be detrimental to us.
4. 例句改写:
- It sickens me that people commit offenses and never face consequences.
- When we are absent due to illness, we only receive half of our pay.
- Are you feeling alright? You look awful. Are you sick?
- Consuming rotten food is likely to make one sick.