

四个主人公有很多称法,用得最多的是,Tang Monk,Pilgrim, Pa-chieh,
Sha Monk。八戒有时候自称Old Hog。Sun Wukong使用的兵器是golden
hooped rod, 八戒使的是muckrake。Sun Wukong头上戴的是Tight Fillet Cap, 唐
僧念的是Tight Fillet Spell。 妖精是monster-spirit, fiend,demon。


the Land of the East 东土
Hall of Golden Chime 金銮殿
Water Crystal Palace 水晶宫
Bosom disciples 心腹第子
the Way 道
Royal Preceptor 帝师
Three Jewels 三宝
wooden fish 木鱼
Jade tablet 玉笏
Golden Star Venus太白金星
Venerable father 师父
Old Benefactor 老施主
Festival of Immortal Peach 蟠桃会
Profane eyes 污眼
Virgin boys and girls 童男童女
Honored Seat 上座
Worthy Brother 仁兄
Secular Home 俗家
Old woman of the Wind 风婆
Squire of the Thunder 雷公
Mother of Lightning 电母
Heaven Reaching River 通天河
Fold of the mountain 重山
Tiger Strength Great Immortal 虎力大仙
Deer Strength Great Immortal鹿力大仙
Goat Strength Great Immortal羊力大仙
Brocaded cassock 袈纱
Great Monad 大元
beg for alms 化缘
Magic of invisibility 隐身术
Paddy fields 耕田

capped by moon and cloaked by stars 披星戴月
feign an opening 卖个破绽
Flipping over one’s palms (易)如反掌
to blow away some ashes 吹灰(之力)
Be elevated three Grades 提升三级
Fleshly eyes and mortal stocks 肉眼凡胎
A single hand can not clap 一个巴掌拍不响
Wind mopping the cloud 风卷(残)云
Man who has left his family should not lie 出家人不打诳语
Prolong one’s life indefinitely 延年益寿
Dine on the winds and rest by the waters 餐风宿露
Even a strong dragon is no match for a local worm 强龙不压地头蛇
The saving of one life is better than the construction of seven tiered pagoda.
Hold his morning court 上早朝
Taming tigers and subduing dragons 伏虎降龙
The road for fated enemies is narrow indeed 冤家路窄
Perpetuate our families 延续香火
Intelligence has its work and incompetence its leisure 巧者劳而智者忧
第1个回答  2007-01-12
《西游记》Pilgrimage to the West; Journey to the West
the Land of the East 东土
Hall of Golden Chime 金銮殿
Water Crystal Palace 水晶宫
Bosom disciples 心腹第子
the Way 道
Royal Preceptor 帝师
Three Jewels 三宝
wooden fish 木鱼
Jade tablet 玉笏
Golden Star Venus太白金星
Venerable father 师父
Old Benefactor 老施主
Festival of Immortal Peach 蟠桃会
Profane eyes 污眼
Virgin boys and girls 童男童女
Honored Seat 上座
Worthy Brother 仁兄
Secular Home 俗家
Old woman of the Wind 风婆
Squire of the Thunder 雷公
Mother of Lightning 电母
Heaven Reaching River 通天河
Fold of the mountain 重山
Tiger Strength Great Immortal 虎力大仙
Deer Strength Great Immortal鹿力大仙
Goat Strength Great Immortal羊力大仙
Brocaded cassock 袈纱
Great Monad 大元
beg for alms 化缘
Magic of invisibility 隐身术
Paddy fields 耕田
四个主人公有很多称法,用得最多的是,Tang Monk,Pilgrim, Pa-chieh,
Sha Monk。八戒有时候自称Old Hog。Sun Wukong使用的兵器是golden
hooped rod, 八戒使的是muckrake。Sun Wukong头上戴的是Tight Fillet Cap, 唐
僧念的是Tight Fillet Spell。 妖精是monster-spirit, fiend,demon。


第2个回答  2007-01-12
《西游记》Pilgrimage to the West; Journey to the West