
England is in north-west Europe and is the largest country in the UK.(The UK also includes Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.) The
population of England is about 53 millions. The capital city is Londonand 1.____
other major cities include Birmingham, Leeds, Sheffield and Manchester.
The currency is in the pound sterling. England is only 34 km 2.____
from France and is linked a tunnel under the English Channel. 3.____
Outside the metropolitan areas, England is mostly agricultural land 4.____
,hills and mountains. The climate is temperate with mild winter and 5.____
warm summers.
English is an official language of England. England is a cosmopolitan 6.____
,multiculture country with a lot of immigration, particularly from Indian 7.____
sub-continent. Other languages spoken in England include of Punjabi 8.____
,Urdu, Bengali and Poland. The national sport of England is football. 9.____
Other popular sports include Rugby and cricket.
England is famous for many things, inelude its royal family, London 10.____
landmarks such as Big Ben, and the writer William Shakespeare.

People often laugh when they see penguins walking. Penguins look very funny waddle from side to side on their short little legs. However, Adélie penguins 11.____
can walk 200 kilometers across the Antarctic sea ice to the place they lay 12.____
their eggs.
Penguins are such g

第1个回答  2018-03-21
1 millions~million
2 去掉the
3 linked后面加by
4 正确
5 winter~winters
6 an~the
7 正确
8 去掉of
9 Poland~Polski
10 include~including
11 waddle~waddling
12 place后面加where追问

If Adélie penguin is swimming quickly, it can jump 2 meters out of the water. They do this before they are 17.___being chased by leopard seals, which like to eat them.这句话也不知道错在哪😭


