

New year's money in folk culture means to ward off evil spirits and exorcise ghosts, and bless peace. The original intention of new year's money is to suppress evil and drive away evil spirits. Because people think children are vulnerable to sneaky attacks, they use new year's money to drive away evil spirits. 

The new year's money distributed by the elders to the younger generation contains their concern and sincere blessing for the younger generation, which is one of the traditional customs in China。









2016年的《中国孩子的压岁钱调查报告》结论是:被调查者发给每个孩子的压岁钱平均数为 457.59元。该报告由新航道家庭教育研究院和向日葵认知教育实验室联合发布。




第1个回答  2019-01-25

Legend has it that in ancient times, there was a kind of demon, the name was "sui", black and white, and it came out every year in the 30th night of the year. It touched the head of the sleeping child with his hand, and the child cried and burst into fever. 


I have been slang and got sick from it. After a few days, I went back to the sick, but the clever and clever child became a mad fool. When people are afraid of harming their children, they will light up the lights and sit and sleep.


In Jiaxing, there is a family whose name is managed. The couple are old and have a child. On the 30th night, they are afraid of coming to the children and playing with them. The child wrapped eight pieces of copper coins in red paper, unpacked the bag, and then unpacked it. He played until he slept, and the eight pieces of copper wrapped were placed on the pillow. 


The couple did not dare to close their eyes and watched the children staying up for the night. In the middle of the night, a gust of wind blew open the door and blew out the lights. When the black short man touched the child's head with his white hand, the child's pillow cracked a light, and he hurriedly retracted his hand and screamed. ran away. 


The couple told the people about the scare of the eight copper coins in red paper. Everyone also learned to put eight pieces of copper coins on the pillows on the pillows after the dinner. After that, they would never dare to harm the children.


It turned out that the eight copper coins were changed from the Eight Immortals, and they secretly helped the children to scare them away. Therefore, people called this money "pressing money." Because of the homonym of "sui" and "years old", it is called "the lucky money" as the years go by. 


The child is "pressing money", the old man is "old money." The "old money" of the elderly means that they can live longer if they no longer grow their age.


第2个回答  2020-02-06


There is a husband and wife who are old and have children, and they are regarded as sweethearts. On the eve of the new year's Eve, they were afraid of hurting their children, so they took out eight copper coins to play with them. When the child was tired and fell asleep, they wrapped eight copper coins in red paper and put them under the child's pillow. 

The couple did not dare to close their eyes. In the middle of the night, a dark wind opened the door and blew out the lights. As soon as he reached out to touch the child's head, a flash of light burst out from the pillow, which made him run away. It turns out that the eight copper coins were made by gods. 

The next day, the husband and wife told everyone about how to pack eight copper coins in red paper to scare them away. Later, when everyone learned to do it, the child would be safe. Because the harmony of "Sui" and "Sui" gradually evolved into "New Year's money". 

第3个回答  2020-02-06

According to legend, in ancient times, there was a little demon with a black and white hand, named "祟", who came out every year to kill people every 30 years. It touched the sleeping child's head three times with his hand.

And the child started crying, and then became feverish, slang, and became ill. A few days later, the fever subsided, but the clever child became a dementia mad fool. Already.

People are afraid of crickets coming to harm their children, so they light up the lights and sit up without sleep, which is called "guarding the crickets".

Therefore, people call this money "pressing money", and because of the homophony of "祟" and "year", they are called "pressing money" with the passage of time.

第4个回答  2020-02-06

The earliest New Year's money appeared in the Han Dynasty, also known as the new year's money. However, this coin was not circulated on the market, but was cast into the shape of a coin to ward off evil spirits.

 There are auspicious words on the surface of coins, such as "long life", "to get rid of misfortune". There are two theories about the origin of new year's money. 

One is that it is to protect children. It is said that on the eve of the thirtieth year, a small demon named "Shi" will hurt children, so people invented new year's money to protect children from being hurt.

 Another way is to say that every new year's Eve, every family will let their children put fruit food on a plate and give it to each other, which is the "New Year's plate". Later, "New Year's eve money" replaced "New Year's Eve plate", and there is now the custom of giving new year's eve money.
