

1. "Turn the table" means to reverse the situation or turn defeat into victory. It is said to originate from a game called backgammon, in which the objective is to reverse one's fortunes. This game, known as "tables," requires a mix of skill and luck, and many players who were on the brink of defeat would use the game's rules to achieve a turnaround.
2. "Throw down the glove" refers to a challenge. There is a belief that in medieval Europe, "gauntlet" referred to the leather and metal gauntlets worn by knights. If a knight wanted to challenge someone, they would throw their glove down on the ground as a symbol of defiance. The challenger would then pick up the glove if they accepted the challenge. Over time, the term "glove" replaced "gauntlet," but the meaning remains the same—a challenge.
3. "Call the shots" means to be in charge, to give orders. In the military, this term was used when an officer would command his troops to fire. Now, it is commonly used in everyday speech to indicate that someone is in control, making the final decisions. Remember, only one person should be calling the shots.
4. "A white day" means a good day or a fortunate occasion. In the West, the color white often symbolizes purity, good luck, happiness, and nobility. For example, the well-known "White Day," or White情人节, is associated with these positive connotations.
5. "Five-finger" is a slang term for a thief or someone who steals. It is similar to the Chinese phrase "三只手," which also means a thief. So, it's clear that "five-finger discount" does not mean a 50% discount but rather refers to stealing something easily.