
请英语高手进来看看啊 !!!复制一句翻译一句喔!!!麻烦了!!译得好有追加分喔!!!
4 Her mother is of mixed blood (混血儿). So she has curly brown hair but black eyes and yellow skin.

5 我们计划下周去参观那个著名的博物馆。(pay a visit to)

An international conference of computer science will be held in Tokyo next month.

It will last for two weeks. More than ten world famous experts in this field will give lectures at the conference.

There will also be traditional Japanese performances such as calligraphy, flower arrangement, and tea ceremony.

1 瞧,一些人正在海里游泳。他们不觉得冷吗?(swim, feel cold)

3 你能告诉我怎么写英文信吗?(tell ... how to)

7 我很为父母的身体担心,现在没有心情欣赏雪景。(be worried about, be in no mood)

3 我认为我们起床应越早越好。(as early as possible)

5 我们的老师对我们很严格。我们能跟他学到许多东西。(strict with, learn from)

I am also going to visit my former English teacher, Jean.

We’ll work together to learn advertising.

I know collecting postcards is your special interest. I shall send you some as soon as I arrive in England.

1 昨天我们在公园里玩得非常好。(have a good time)

3 你得给老师打电话请病假。(ask for sick leave)

5 今天早晨我们绕校园慢跑了好长时间。(for quite a while)

4 你怎么了?你为什么不像以往那样勤奋工作了?(matter, as hard as usual)

6 我们可以用软件来杀病毒。(software, kill viruses)

1 我们班每年开两次英语晚会。(twice a year)

3 我们院长早上总要慢跑1,000米。(jog)

7 让我们在竞争中互相帮助。(competition)

7 他学习汉语取得了很大进步,我们学习英语也取得了很大进步。(make progress in)

1 王小姐正把电话接到经理办公室。(connect)

2比尔上班时穿着整洁得体。(dress, properly and neatly)

In our human bodies, the immune system protects us from disease.

But when one gets the AIDS virus in his / her body, it attacks and destroys the immune system.

The AIDS virus can't live outside his body, and it can't travel through the air.

Nowadays, a very popular activity for young people is karaoke. My sister is crazy about karaoke.

She goes to a karaoke parlor with her friends almost every weekend.

At first I was not willing to sing, but my sister urged me to.

I found that singing is really a good way to get relaxed.

My sister is so crazy about karaoke that she intends to make others like it.

If you are working harder than you think you should, then it is time to improve your skills.

Taking dictation is one of a secretary's basic skills. Make sure that you bring everything necessary with you at the beginning of each day.

1.Her mother is of mixed blood (混血儿). So she has curly brown hair but black eyes and yellow skin.
她的母亲是混血(混血儿) 。所以她有卷曲的褐色头发,但黑眼睛和黄皮肤。

We plan to visit next week that the famous museums.

3.An international conference of computer science will be held in Tokyo next month.

4.It will last for two weeks. More than ten world famous experts in this field will give lectures at the conference.

5.There will also be traditional Japanese performances such as calligraphy, flower arrangement, and tea ceremony.

Yesterday, we in the park to do a very good

You should call the teacher to call in sick.

8. 今天早晨我们绕校园慢跑了好长时间。
This morning we jogging around campus for a long time.

You how? Why have you not used to hard work?

We can use the software to kill the virus.

We English classes twice a year event.

We president of the morning to jog the 1,000 meters.

Let us help each other in the competition.

He learning Chinese have made great progress, we have to learn English has also made great progress.

Miss WONG is the call from the office manager.

Bill to work wearing clean decency.

17.In our human bodies, the immune system protects us from disease.

18.But when one gets the AIDS virus in his / her body, it attacks and destroys the immune system.

19.The AIDS virus can't live outside his body, and it can't travel through the air.

20.Nowadays, a very popular activity for young people is karaoke. My sister is crazy about karaoke.
如今,一个非常受欢迎的活动,为青年人是卡拉OK 。我的姐姐是疯了约卡拉OK 。

21.She goes to a karaoke parlor with her friends almost every weekend.

22.At first I was not willing to sing, but my sister urged me to.

23.I found that singing is really a good way to get relaxed.

24.My sister is so crazy about karaoke that she intends to make others like it.

25.If you are working harder than you think you should, then it is time to improve your skills.

26.Taking dictation is one of a secretary's basic skills. Make sure that you bring everything necessary with you at the beginning of each day.
第1个回答  2008-01-10
4 她的母亲是有混合血 (混血儿) 的。 因此她有卷曲的褐色头发除了黑眼珠和黄色的皮肤。

5 we plan next week go to visit that of museum.(pay a visit to)

它意志最后的二个星期。 在这个领域中的超过十个世界出名的专家意志给予演讲会议中。

在那里也将会是传统的日本人表现,像是笔迹, 花安排, 和茶典礼。

1.Lo, some people are in the nautical mile swimming now.Don't they feel cold?(swim, feel cold)

3.Does your ability tell me how to write English letter?(tell ... how to)

7.I worry about parents' body very much and now have no mood to appreciate snow landscape.(be worried about, be in no mood)

3. I think us to get up and should be more early more good.(as early as possible)

5. Our teachers are very strict to us.We can learn many thing with him.(strict with, learn from)



我知道收集明信片是你的特别使。感兴趣 我将送你一旦我抵达英国就一些。

1 yesterday we play in the park very good.(have a good time)

3 you get to make a phone call to ask for sick leave for teacher.(ask for sick leave)

5 today morning we rounded campus jogging good long time.(for quite a while)

4 what's the matter with you?You why be unlike former so diligence work?(matter, as hard as usual)

6 we can kill virus with the software.(software, kill viruses)

1 we class every year open two English an evening party.(twice a year)

3 morning of our director are total to want jogging 1,000 meters.(jog)

7 let we mutual in the competition help.(competition)

7 he study the Chinese language obtained very big progress, we study English also obtained very big progress.(make progress in)

1 Ms. Wangs are receiving manager's office to the telephone.(connect)

Dress when 2 Bills go to work clean and neat in proper form.(dress, properly and neatly)


但是当一得到在他的 / 她身体中的爱滋病病毒的时候, 它攻击而且破坏免疫系统。

爱滋病病毒不能活的外面他的身体, 和它罐子不旅行完成的那空气。

现在, 年轻人的一个非常流行的活动是卡拉 OK。 我的姊妹醉心于卡拉 OK 。

她几乎每个周末随身去一个卡拉 OK 客厅朋友。

起先,我不乐意的唱, 但是我的姊妹催促我到。


我的姊妹醉心于卡拉 OK ,因而她想要使其他喜欢它。

如果你是工作比你更难认为你应该, 然后它是该改善你的技术的时候。

采取听写是一个秘书的基本技术之一。 确定你带着每件事物必需品从最初的地方每天。
第2个回答  2008-01-10