

1. 介词 If a person or thing goes up something such as a slope, ladder, or chimney, they move away from the ground or to a higher position. 向上

例:They were climbing up a narrow mountain road.


例:I ran up the stairs and saw Alison lying at the top.


副词 Up is also an adverb. 向上地

例:Finally, after an hour, I went up to Jeremy's room.


例:Intense balls of flame rose up into the sky.


2. 介词 If a person or thing is up something such as a ladder or a mountain, they are near the top of it. 靠近…顶端

例:He was up a ladder sawing off the tops of his apple trees.


副词 Up is also an adverb. 靠近顶端 [ADV after v]

例:...a research station perched 4,000 meters up on the lip of the crater.


3. 副词 You use up to indicate that you are looking or facing in a direction that is away from the ground or toward a higher level. 朝上 [ADV after v]

例:Keep your head up, and look around you from time to time.


4. 副词 If someone stands up, they move so that they are standing. 起来 [ADV after v]

例:He stood up and went to the window.


5. 介词 If you go or look up something such as a road or river, you go or look along it. If you are up a road or river, you are somewhere along it. 沿着 [v PREP n]

例:A line of tanks came up the road from the city.


例:We leaned on the wooden rail of the bridge and looked up the river.


6. 副词 If you are traveling to a particular place, you can say that you are going up to that place, especially if you are going toward the north or to a higher level of land. If you are already in such a place, you can say that you are up there. 向上 (尤指向北方或向高处); 在 (北方或高处)[mainly SPOKEN]

例:I'll be up to see you tomorrow.


例:He was living up North.


7. 副词 If you go up to something or someone, you move to the place where they are and stop there. 往

例:The girl ran the rest of the way across the street and up to the car.


例:On the way out a boy of about ten came up on roller skates.


8. 副词 If an amount of something goes up, it increases. If an amount of something is up, it has increased and is at a higher level than it was. 增多; 上涨

例:The total budget went up almost $300 million.


例:Tourism is up, jobs are up, individual income is up.

第1个回答  2012-05-16
这个容易,主要看up 后面接的东西就行了。给你几个例子你就懂了。

副词:(up 后面没有名词)
he jumped up.他跳了起来。
two of the men hoisted her up.两个男人把她抬了起来。
the curtain went up.帘子升了起来。
she made her way up to bed.她上楼去睡觉。

介词:(up 后面有名词)
she climbed up a flight of steps.她爬上一段楼梯。
She is walking up the street.沿街走。