
I lost my keys and couldn’t _(lock) the door.
22.what is left must be left to the _(imagine)of the reader.
23.people who have never gone to school are usually_(literate).
24.it was _(courage)of Mr. smith to try and save the drowning boy.
25.The library is being _(large) to make room for move readers
26.John and mary had a _ (understand).but they have made it up now .
The children cooked wonderfully _(health)with their bright eyes and glowing
Tight clothes don’t allow enough_(free)of
29.The _(member)of the club has now increased to a total of 800.
30.last year, the rate of overall industrial_(grow)was above,8 percent

I lost my keys and couldn’t unlock_(lock) the door. 我忘了钥匙, 所以开不了门的锁。

22.what is left must be left to the imagination_(imagine)of the reader. 那剩下来的就要靠读者的想象力咯。

23.people who have never gone to school are usually_literate (literate). 从来没有上过学的人通常都会识字。

24.it was couragous_(courage)of Mr. smith to try and save the drowning boy. Mr. Smith真的很勇敢去救快要淹死的小孩。

25.The library is being enlarged_(large) to make room for more readers. 图书馆为了提供多一点空间给读者而正在扩充面积。

26.John and mary had a _misunderstanding (understand).but they have made it up now . John和Mary之间有点误会,但是他们现在和好了。

27.The children cooked wonderfully _healthy(health) (这欠一个名词例如food食物等因为前面有提及到做菜cooked)with their bright eyes and glowing cheeks. healthy是健康的。 healthy food健康的食物. bright eyes可译为大而有神的眼睛, glowing cheeks荣光发亮的两颊

28.Tight clothes don’t allow enough_freedom (free)of movement. 紧身的衣服不可以让人活动自如。

29.The membership_(member)of the club has now increased to a total of 800. 会员数目已增加共有800人之多。

30.last year, the rate of overall industrial_growth (grow)was above,8 percent 上年整体工业增长率在百分之8 以上。