
The summary of Text B
The article points out the differences between the life of now and the life of past in three aspects,the way to work,the way to eat,the way to entertain.
One generation ago,only dad’s pay check is enough for a family’s bills.But now mom also has to work to afford the cost.And the time that they spend in the way to work is longer.
Compared with the past,American family have the fast food rather than “home-style” meals,because none has time to prepare the dinner
Thirsty years ago,the whole family sat in front of the only television to watch the same problem.Now it’s no more.Everyone has his television and computer,and more everyone has his typical way to entertain.
These changes also cause a problem that the family is no longer like a family. The writer think that it’s important to make people
See the family life just as important as work or play.Because only so people will spend more time with family.

The article points out the differences between the life of now and the life of past in three aspects, the way to work, the way to eat, the way to entertain.



    the life of now and the life of past 从语法上讲,除了past 需要加the 外,没有多大毛病;不过从习惯上讲,最好不要用 of now 和 of the past,还是用 life now 和 life in the past;从简洁角度看,如果不是分别强调,改为the life now and in the past

    the way to work, the way to eat, the way to entertain 是三个并列短语,最后一个要用 and 连接。


  One generation ago, only dad’s pay check is enough for a family’s bills. But now mom also has to work to afford the cost. And the time that they spend in the way to work is longer.



    One generation ago 似乎用 in the the previous generation 为好

    前半句指过去,因此要用过去式 was

    afford 表示负担得起要求用can 或be able to,需要改为has to work to be able to afford the cost。

    花时间工作有两种表达方法:spend time on their jobs 或者 spend time (in) working

    And the time that they spend on their jobs (或spend working) is longer 主语部分较长,句子不平衡,改为And the time is longer that they spend on their jobs (或spend working)


Compared with the past, American family have the fast food rather than “home-style” meals, because none has time to prepare the dinner.



    American family have 改为复数American families have或者 an American family has

    fast food泛指任何一类快餐,应该去掉定冠词 the


Thirsty years ago, the whole family sat in front of the only television to watch the same problem. Now it’s no more. Everyone has his television and computer, and more everyone has his typical way to entertain.



    watch the same problem 改为watch the same program(看同一个节目)

    no more表示在数量上不再,no longer 表示在时间或距离上不再,此处意思是说“不再想过去那样”,因此要改为it’s not like that

    his television and computer 改为his own television and computer

    entertain 用作及物动词有“娱乐”的意思,用作不及物动词只表示“招待客人/请客”,改为entertain himself


These changes also cause a problem that the family is no longer like a family. The writer think that it’s important to make people



    the family is no longer like a family 改为the family is no longer like a household

    The writer think 改为The writer thinks 

    make people 意思是“造人”或“勾引人”,改为it’s important to be upright persons / conduct themselves【做人】、model people【塑造人】或者reform / rebuild people【改造人】)


See the family life just as important as work or play. Because only so people will spend more time with family.



    only 放在句首,需要用倒装语序,改为Because only so will people spend more time with family

第1个回答  2012-10-08
1.The article tells about the differences between the present life and the life in the past in three aspects__the way to work,the way to eat and the way to entertain.
2. One generation ago,only dad’s salary was enough for a family’s expenses .But now Mom also has to work to afford the family .And the time that they spend in working is longer than before .
3. As for the meals ,American family now have the fast food for dinner ,because they don't have enough time to prepare “home-style” meals.
4. Thirty years ago,the whole family sat in front of the only television watching the same programme .Now it’s quite different .Everyone has his own television and computer,and what's more everyone has his typical way to entertain.
5. These changes also cause a problem, that is the family is no longer like a family.
6. The writer thinks that it’s important to make people realize that the family life is just as important as working or playing .If so, people will spend more time with the family.
第2个回答  2012-10-07
1、the differences between the life of now and the life of past --the differences of life in nowadays and the past;
2、in three aspects,----in three aspects:(此处为冒号,不然该句就会存在两个主语);
3、One generation ago--in the past;
5、pay check --wages;
6、the same problem--the same program;
7、it’s no more--it has faded away;
8、more(?) everyone has his typical way to entertain.--more and more people have easy access to content personal entertainment;
9、The writer think --The writer thinks;
10、it’s important to make people see the family life just as important as work or play.----it’s essential to promote people's awareness that family life is as important as work ,entertainment and the like;
11、only so people will spend more time with family.----only in this way will people spend more time and energy with family.
