
she finds it is the hardest part of going back to school at her age to be sitting in ciass for long time 谁能帮我分析一下这个句子,我有点乱。另外 to be sitting 是什么用法?
另外 还有句话 he was being careless was being careless 什么用法?

She finds后跟一个宾语从句it is the hardest part of going back to school at her age to be sitting in ciass for long time。其中it是形式主语,真正的主语是to be sitting in ciass for long time,为了避免头重脚轻(To be sitting in ciass for long time is the hardest part of going back to school at her age to be sitting in ciass for long time ),将it提前。这里的结构是it is +adj. to do sth.另外,to be sitting是动词不定式的结果,to后跟动词原形,而这里的sitting表示主动。现在应该清楚了吧。

Oh, you're being a really good sport about this, Marilyn, 噢,在这件事情上,你倒变成一个看得很开的人

being a really good sport 表面上表示一个状态,看的开的状态,某人在此状态中,即sb is (being sth),虽然看起来是状态,但表示的是个动作的意思。

some verbs that are usually stative can be used in continuous verb forms when they have certain meanings. Be is one of these verbs.

The following sentences are correct because be is used to describe an action and not a state:

The children are being very naughty (= They are doing naughty things)
He was being careless (= He was doing something carelessly)

第1个回答  2008-09-08
你可以这样理解句子 把句子的枝叶去掉,找出句子的主干she finds it is the hardest part to be sitting in ciass for long time。意思是:她发现很长时间坐在教室里是最难的部分。中间的of going back to school at her age 是修饰part的,这个部分指代的是以她的年纪返回学校那个部分。it is hard to do sth 所以用 to be sitting ,和前面的it is the hardest part 是对应的。
英语中有很多being +补语的结构,he was being careless 表示他当时很粗心,强调的是那个时刻,所以用进行时。