

摘要:近几年来,随着计算机信息技术的快速发展,办公自动化和网络化也日趋完善,许多企业的文件管理工作都直接在计算机上或者网络上进行办理,真正实现了办公无纸化,这样便在办公过程中产生了大量的电子文档。本文从企业办公实行电子文档的必要性和优势入手,剖析了当前企业电子文档管理的问题,并提出有效措施。关键词:企业;办公自动化;电子文档;管理中图分类号:G275.9 文献标识码:A文章编号:1007-9599 (2011) 14-0000-01How to do Electronic Document Management Well for BusinessDou Yongmei(Large Equipment Lifting and Transportation Company of CPFCC,Luoyang471023,China)Abstract:In recent years,with the rapid development of computer information technology,office automation and networking are also being perfected,the management of many companies file directly on your computer or network on the handle,truly paperless office,so generated in the process will be in the office a lot of electronic documents.This electronic document from the corporate office to implement the necessity and advantages of starting analysis of the current enterprise electronic document management issues and propose effective measures.Keywords:Enterprise;Office automation;Electronic document;Management一、企业实行电子文档管理的必要性和优势(一)提升办公速度。(剩余2046字)