
二、 白领最爱用名牌或精心淘到的个性服饰彰显自己的品位。他们的衣橱里一般会有几套西装以备不同重大场合之需,但不论是庄重得体的阿玛尼,还是略带雅皮味道的BURBERRY,总之绝对要顶级名牌;至于略为休闲的服装,就全靠一双火眼金睛到秀水、银街、女人街(见E8、E9动力街区)等处去淘了。

First, buy white-collar favorite fashion magazine to correct its own taste.
Second, most white-collar workers to use the Amoy brand name or well-character costumes demonstrated their quality. They generally have the wardrobe for a suit several different occasions of great need, both the solemn occasion Armani, or slightly taste of Yapi BURBERRY, a word to the absolute top brand name; As for the slightly casual clothing, Depends on a pair of eyes to the Silk, Silver Street, Ladies Market (see E8, E9 power blocks), etc. to the Amoy.
Third, eat in white-collar workers and also the trend of sync, from the Dongbei, Shanghai dishes, vegetables Mao, the Yunnan and Sichuan dishes; from the stuffy red meat, spicy crawfish to eat Xiangla Xie opened last year, all the way without Resentment and regret not eat it vague. But one thing, do the restaurant, there is still a little emotional appeal of priority, the best name is a little story that shows the profound, such as the so-called "Zen cool" Yes, "Tea-Horse Road" for a class of it's pretty good.
Fourth, most white-collar workers in Paoba when the sun sets, "he later how the enemy to wind," the plaintive light will be white-collar petty bourgeoisie taste of artificial beauty to perfection. Fifth, most white-collar workers in the lazy afternoon sitting in Internet cafes, the English-language newspaper, boundless fashionable glasses, a cup of cappuccino, a notebook computer has been merged into a scenic white-collar workers the most. Six, like most white-collar workers to receive foreign perfume, cosmetics are a favorite gift for the use of Chinese furniture. This was in all likelihood they had the most contact with foreigners. Ikea will go, of course, is quite the harvest, the Nordic style is still popular is not it? Seven, most white-collar workers have high class club, but traffic must facilitate the best next to the subway, because the back of the burden of mortgage payments, at least a few years they can not afford to buy a car and then into the consumer plan. Pat, do something Chill out in white-collar favorite sport, some say should be called fashionable casual, of course, is not running, the kind of play they had on the collectivism of lost interest in sports, they would prefer a person in the health club, Huihanruyu, top Play more tennis, bowling, and other two games. Nine, white-collar fixed to a favorite place to take care of their hair and face, have their own hairdresser and beautician make sense of their self-feeling better. X. Finally, when the busy end of the year, a certain white-collar workers will leave hard to come by, let her body and mind for a romantic trip to begin. They love Hawaii is the place to go, Ti Bo Island, the Sanya beach is of no use. For them, the sun, sea, the beach cliffs far, the snow-capped mountains, the desert is more attractive.
第1个回答  2008-12-10
First, buy white-collar favorite fashion magazine to correct its own taste.
Second, most white-collar workers to use the Amoy brand name or well-character costumes demonstrated their quality. They generally have the wardrobe for a suit several different occasions of great need, both the solemn occasion Armani, or slightly taste of Yapi BURBERRY, a word to the absolute top brand name; As for the slightly casual clothing, Depends on a pair of eyes to the Silk, Silver Street, Ladies Market (see E8, E9 power blocks), etc. to the Amoy.
Third, eat in white-collar workers and also the trend of sync, from the Dongbei, Shanghai dishes, vegetables Mao, the Yunnan and Sichuan dishes; from the stuffy red meat, spicy crawfish to eat Xiangla Xie opened last year, all the way without Resentment and regret not eat it vague. But one thing, do the restaurant, there is still a little emotional appeal of priority, the best name is a little story that shows the profound, such as the so-called "Zen cool" Yes, "Tea-Horse Road" for a class of it's pretty good.
Fourth, most white-collar workers in Paoba when the sun sets, "he later how the enemy to wind," the plaintive light will be white-collar petty bourgeoisie taste of artificial beauty to perfection. Fifth, most white-collar workers in the lazy afternoon sitting in Internet cafes, the English-language newspaper, boundless fashionable glasses, a cup of cappuccino, a notebook computer has been merged into a scenic white-collar workers the most. Six, like most white-collar workers to receive foreign perfume, cosmetics are a favorite gift for the use of Chinese furniture. This was in all likelihood they had the most contact with foreigners. Ikea will go, of course, is quite the harvest, the Nordic style is still popular is not it? Seven, most white-collar workers have high class club, but traffic must facilitate the best next to the subway, because the back of the burden of mortgage payments, at least a few years they can not afford to buy a car and then into the consumer plan. Pat, do something Chill out in white-collar favorite sport, some say should be called fashionable casual, of course, is not running, the kind of play they had on the collectivism of lost interest in sports, they would prefer a person in the health club, Huihanruyu, top Play more tennis, bowling, and other two games. Nine, white-collar fixed to a favorite place to take care of their hair and face, have their own hairdresser and beautician make sense of their self-feeling better. X. Finally, when the busy end of the year, a certain white-collar workers will leave hard to come by, let her body and mind for a romantic trip to begin. They love Hawaii is the place to go, Ti Bo Island, the Sanya beach is of no use. For them, the sun, sea, the beach cliffs far, the snow-capped mountains, the desert is more attractive.
第2个回答  2008-11-28
Fourth, most white-collar workers in Paoba when the sun sets, "he later how the enemy to wind," the plaintive light will be white-collar petty bourgeoisie taste of artificial beauty to perfection. Fifth, most white-collar workers in the lazy afternoon sitting in Internet cafes, the English-language newspaper, boundless fashionable glasses, a cup of cappuccino, a notebook computer has been merged into a scenic white-collar workers the most. Six, like most white-collar workers to receive foreign perfume, cosmetics are a favorite gift for the use of Chinese furniture. This was in all likelihood they had the most contact with foreigners. Ikea will go, of course, is quite the harvest, the Nordic style is still popular is not it? Seven, most white-collar workers have high class club, but traffic must facilitate the best next to the subway, because the back of the burden of mortgage payments, at least a few years they can not afford to buy a car and then into the consumer plan. Pat, do something Chill out in white-collar favorite sport, some say should be called fashionable casual, of course, is not running, the kind of play they had on the collectivism of lost interest in sports, they would prefer a person in the health club, Huihanruyu, top Play more tennis, bowling, and other two games. Nine, white-collar fixed to a favorite place to take care of their hair and face, have their own hairdresser and beautician make sense of their self-feeling better. X. Finally, when the busy end of the year, a certain white-collar workers will leave hard to come by, let her body and mind for a romantic trip to begin. They love Hawaii is the place to go, Ti Bo Island, the Sanya beach is of no use. For them, the sun, sea, the beach cliffs far, the snow-capped mountains, the desert is more