

2008年全国中学生英语能力竞赛(NEPCS)初赛(初二) 参考答案


I. Sentences (句子理解)
II. Responses (问句应答)
6-10 BADCB
III. Dialogues (对话理解)
A) 11-15 CADBA
B) 16-20 ADCDB
IV. Passages (短文理解)
A) 21-25 BCACD
B) 26. Science
27. Running
28. country(side)
29. bike / bicycle
30. farm

I. Multiple-choice (选择填空)
A) 31-35 BCDAC
B) 36-40 DCACA
41-45 BDCDA
46-50 CBDAB
II. Reading comprehension (阅读理解)
A) 51-55 CBDBA
B) A. 56. In a cave.
57. He thought the other boys were behind the wall.
58. Some old pieces of paper.
59. 他(老师)告诉他们,那些纸是地图,而且可能有2000年的历史。
60. b d f a e c
B. 61. invitation; Debbie
62. big garden
63. great / good time
64. Green Road
65. Baker's
C. 66. animals / creatures
67. together
68. dies
69. shapes
70. 它们有着和它们形状相似的(陆地)动物的名字。
III. Cloze (完形填空)
A) 71. how far
72. find out
73. windy
74. First
75. to
76. write back
77. their
78. who
79. later
80. balloons
B) 81. walking
82. Is
83. touch
84. to bite
85. didn't lie
IV. Sentence pattern transformation (句式转换)
86. went into space before people did / went into space earlier than people did
87. the second monkey to go into space Enos
88. How long did his trip last?
89. What did Enos do when the spaceship was opened?
90. How happy Enos was to be back on Earth!
V. Translation (翻译)
91. I will go to the science centre with you if I have time. / If I have time, I will go to the science centre with you.
92. Eating a balanced diet / A balanced diet is good for our health.
93. It took him an hour to get to the railway station.
94. She didn't leave school until 8 pm yesterday.
95. They decided not to go there because of the bad weather.
VI. IQ (智力测试)
96. stop
97. breakfast
99. It means “can't understand”. / 弄不明白。
100. Black.
VII. Error correction (短文改错)
101. √
102. the
103. closely
104. couldn't
105. friends
VIII. Writing (写作)
A) One possible version:
Rose is a sweet girl with a round face and big black eyes. She is taller than any other student in our class. In her spare time, she likes listening to music. I like being friends with her because she always studies hard.
B) One possible version:
Nov. 16th Sunday
It's my birthday next month. I want a guitar for my birthday. Last year I asked Mum for a guitar but she bought me a violin.
My bike is too small for me now. Dad gave it to me about three years ago. It works well, but I am taller now and I need a bigger bike.
Mum gave Jane some money for her birthday last month. I want some money too-for a computer game and some clothes.

第1个回答  2008-12-23