

第1个回答  2014-05-27
Book 6 综合能力评估试题(一)参考答案及部分解析
1-5 ABCCA 6-10 CAACA
11-15 CBBAC 16-20 ABCBA
21-25 ABDCD 26-30 ADCBA
31-35 CBADB 36-40 CADBC
41-45 ADBCA 46-50 DBCAD
51-55 BBACD 56-60 ADBDC
61-65 BBABA 66-70 CCDDC
71-75 AEGBC
76. Kind, strong and funny.
77. To play “Amazing Grace” for him.
78. America. / The United States.
79. Because it was his wish. / To meet his wish.
80. Because she thinks they are both important. / Because she thinks they both matter.
81. ... third floor ... third前加the
82. ... the other floor. floor → floors
83. ... lived in the building ... lived → living或lived前加who
84. ... to safety immediate. immediate → immediately
85. ... was building in 1718 ... building → built
86. ... was used up as a hotel ... 去掉up
87. Then they sold them ... them → it
88. ... it was made from ... from → into
89. ... when the fire started ... when → how
90. ... a burning cigarette causes it. causes → caused
One possible version:
In order to prevent and reduce traffic accidents, traffic regulations have been changed with new rules added and punishment more severe for violators. Just as the picture shows, the driver who runs the yellow light has broken the new regulation.
There is no doubt that the new traffic rules have been effective in reducing traffic violations and preventing major road accidents. However, the yellow light rule can sometimes cause more accidents. As we can see in the picture, it can be dangerous to bring a car to a full stop at the yellow light, which can lead to a chain accident.
21. A。take the lead领先;in the end最终。
22. B。修饰形容词long 要用连接副词However(不管多么)。
23. D。由has to be abandoned because of his poor eyesight可知,应选ambition(抱负)。
24. C。空格处引导定语从句,修饰man,且在定语从句中作定语,故用whose。
25. D。found 与library 之间为逻辑上的动宾关系,且found 所表示的动作已经完成,故用founded。
26. A。由you are playing so well 及for four years 可知,practice 表示的动作从过去开始一直持续到现在,故用现在完成进行时。
27. D。由I don't know whether I should accept the job offer 可知,应选hesitate(犹豫)。
28. C。由主句时态可知,应用一般过去时,且i(t 指novel)与publish之间为被动关系,故用was published。
29. B。由The concert was fantastic 可知,“我们”排整整一下午队买票是值得的(worthwhile)。
30. A。someone 与wait 之间为逻辑上的主谓关系,且wait 表示的动作正在进行,故用waiting。
31. C。由it will rain tomorrow 可知,“今天早晨你本不必浇花园里的花”。needn't have done本没必要做某事而做了。
32. B。题意:慈善团体组织了多种活动为地震灾区筹集(raise)资金。
33. A。由I'm busy at the moment 可知应选up。pick sb. up 接某人。
34. D。由also 可知应选in addition(除此之外)。题意:这门课程除了介绍关于计算机的一般知识外, 还提供实际操作的机会。
35.B。由Only a fool would believe a story like that 可知,答话者不相信那篇文章所讲的事,故用Oh, come on(得了吧)。
36. C。由下文的I stopped my car to see if he needed any help 可知,“我”正“开车(driving)”经过当地的一个社区。
37. A。由下文的I found his eyes were filled with tears 可知,小男孩正在路边“哭(crying)”。38. D。由下文的he ran away because he disliked his stepmother 可知,小男孩似乎“遇到麻烦(in trouble)”了。
39. B。由下文的I found his eyes were filled with tears 可知,“当(When)”“我”走近他的时候,“我”发现他的眼中噙满了泪水。
40. C。由上文的tears 和下文对小男孩境遇的描述可知,一定是有“ 不愉快的(unpleasant)”事情发生了。
41. A。由上文的One night I ... at the roadside可知,小男孩“独自(alone)”待在这里。
42. D。43. B。对于“我”的问题,小男孩什么也不愿意说。于是,“我”“邀请(invited)”他去吃冰激凌,这样他才同意“坐(take)”“我”的车。
44. C。由下文的We drove around for about an hour, never finding a(n) 48 ice cream store 可知,我们在“找(searching)”冰激凌店。
45. A。由下文的offered to take him home 可知,“我”一直在问他“住(lived)”在哪里。
46. D。由下文的cigarette burns on his arms and other cuts across his back 可知,他的继母对他“不好(unkind)”。
47. B。联系上下文内容可知,他想和自己的母亲“待在(stay with)”一起。
48. C。由上文的One night 和have some icecream somewhere 可知,我们在找还在“开门(open)”营业的冰激凌店。
49. A。由上文的offered to take him home 和No, please 等信息可知,小男孩仍旧“拒绝(refused)”被送回家。
50. D。由下文的so I took him there 可知,小男孩告诉了“我”他最要好的朋友的“地址(address)”。
51. B。由上文的I ... gave him my phone number 可知,“我”接到了他朋友父母打来的“电话(call)”。
52. B。由上文的he ran away because he disliked his stepmother 可以推知,他身上的伤是他继母造成的,小男孩朋友的父母只是“发现了(found)”这一情况。
53. A。由下文的after a big court battle 可知,经过一场法庭激战,小男孩最终被“送去(sent)”和自己的母亲一起生活了。
54. C。帮助小男孩这件事给“我”带来了“快乐(pleasure)”。
55. D。由上文内容可知,小男孩之前一直生活在一个“冰冷的(cold)”世界。
本文是说明文。作者通过Fatima Serwona 的事例向我们讲述了小额信贷的特点、功能以及其所产生的影响。
56. A。细节理解题。由第一段中的Local villagers used her phone ... the things her store needed 可知,Fatima Serwona 通过用手机赚来的钱添置店里需要的货物,故A项说法正确。
57. D。细节理解题。由第二段中的The loans are used to start or enlarge a small business 可知,小额资金对于一些小企业来说意义非凡。
58. B。推理判断题。由最后一段中的microfinance loans have been shown to help improve people's lives and put new life into the communities like Fatima's 可知,作者认为小额信贷很有益处。
59. D。标题归纳题。作者通过Fatima Serwona的事例向我们讲述了小额信贷的特点、功能以及其所产生的影响,故D项正确。
60. C。细节理解题。由Grand Canyon All American Helicopter Tour 一节中的 Time: 7:00 am - 6:30 pm 和Big Island Day Trip 一节中的Time: 6:00 am - 7:30 pm可知C项正确。
61. B。细节理解题。由Big Island Day Trip 一节中的This adventure is a great way ... and you may see steam or lava flowing downstream towards the sea 可知B 项说法正确。
62. B。数字计算题。由Front of Line Pass一 节中的Ticket Prices: $130 for adults, $70 for children可知B项正确。
63. A。推理判断题。本文主要介绍了三个景点,包括时间、价格以及特色等,故选A项。
本文是记叙文。文章主要介绍了Friendly Water for the World这个组织的一些情况。
64. B。推理判断题。由第一段中的最后一句 They teach communities how to construct simple biosand water filters, which remove nearly 99% of those things that may cause a disease 可以推知,Friendly Water for the World 这个组织教给人们如何取得安全的饮用水。
65. A。细节理解题。由第二段中的Friendly Water for the World also supports ... construct more biosand systems for their villages 可知,合作社的建立是为了在当地村庄制作更多的滤水器。
66. C。推理判断题。由最后一段中的one of the founders of Friendly Water for the World ... some amazing personal stories about their work 等信息可知,David Albert 对Friendly Water for the World 这个组织非常熟悉。
67. C。写作目的题。本文主要介绍了 Friendly Water for the World 这个组织的一些情况,故C 项正确。
68. D。细节理解题。由第一段中的When she gets the test paper, she feels like she is frozen.“I would sit down and forget everything that I had just studied,”she said 可知,Hanna Lee在考试中容易紧张。
69. D。细节理解题。文章第三、四两段介绍了科学家研究的步骤。根据第四段末句 The results were the same 可知,无论是在实验室还是在正常的教室,结果都一样。
70. C。细节理解题。由第四段中的They asked some of the students to write their thoughts and feelings about the exam和The scientists say that the students who wrote down their anxieties earned higher marks in the exam than those who didn't do any writing 可知,科学家们建议把你的担忧写下来,这样做对考试焦虑有所缓解。
I. 完形填空
1-5 ABCDD 6-10 CBABA
11-15 CDCAB 16-20 CDADB
II. 阅读理解
1. A。由前面的For years it has been there to see me off to work 可知,这棵常青树多年来一直在那里目送“我”上班并“欢迎(welcome)”“我”回家。
2. B。由a sorry sight 可知,这里表示转折。 “然而(however)”,在过去的几年中,“我”看到了令人伤心的景象。
3. C。4. D。“渐渐地(Little by little)”,藤蔓长得越来越茂盛,这棵可怜的老树显然在“受苦(suffering)”。
5. D。由后面的did nothing 可知,“我”只是在 “旁观(observed)”。
6. C。7. B。8. A。一个周六的上午,“当(as)”“我”开车送孩子们去镇上参加体育活动的时候,“我”“看到(noticed)”一对老夫妇把车开到了地里,他们好像在车里正“准备着(preparing)”什么东西。
9. B。由后面的several hours later I saw the couple sweating away in the hot sun 可知,几个小时后当我们“返回(returned)”时,又见 到了那对老夫妇。
10. A。由前面的I saw the couple sweating away in the hot sun 可知,老夫妇在同巨大的藤蔓作“斗争(battling with)”。
11. C。由下文的I got there 和we all got back to the task at hand 可知,“我”“赶快(quickly)”换上了园艺服去帮忙。
12. D。由上文的There is a beautiful old evergreen tree that grows in a field 可知,“我” 向“田地(field)”出发了。
13. C。14. A。15. B。由下文的But there was much more to be done 可知,老夫妇已 经“工作(working)”了半天,一大堆砍下 的藤蔓“躺(lay)”在树下,这令“我”非常 “惊讶(astonished)”。
16. C。联系上下文内容可知,“我”“邀请 (invited)”那对夫妇享用“我”带来的食物。
17. D。由上文的some fruit and snacks 及my offerings 可知,一顿简单的“野餐(picnic)” 之后,我们开始了手中的工作。
18. A。联系上下文内容可知,又有三位志愿者“加入(joined)”进来。
19. D。我们清除了这棵常青树身上的藤蔓,所以它现在“如释重负(relief)”了。
20. B。由下文的now whenever I drive past my heart fills with joy over the healthy appearance of that beautiful tree 可知,我们的“努力(efforts)”没有白费。
1. C。主旨大意题。总览全文可知,北极熊对北极这一环境已经相当依赖,正因为此,它们无法很快适应环境的变化而对自身产生了危害,故C项正确。
2. A。细节理解题。由第二段中的Polar bears have webbed feet for swimming 和 They cannot run as fast as other bears 可知A项说法正确。
3. C。细节理解题。由第三段中的This means that they will eventually have to leave the Arctic and travel farther south 可知,北极熊最终将会向北极以南迁徙。
4. D。推理判断题。由第四段中的Other creatures, such as crocodiles or cockroaches, are not nearly as specialized. They live on almost every continent and in a wide variety of climates 可以推知,在哪儿几乎都可以看到鳄鱼。
5. B。推理判断题。由最后一段中的No matter how it happens, they believe that polar bears will live far into the future 可以推知,科学家们对北极熊的未来是持乐观态度的。