

第1个回答  2022-10-31

1. 英语对话作文的格式应该怎么写






在一篇字数有限的作文里,我们还要注意尽量不把一个单词拆开移行。万一要移行,则必须以音节为单位进行,如revolution这个词,依照音节移行的原则可以按re-,revo-, revolu-这几种方法移行。在移行时,我们还应特别注意以下几点:

1. 单音节词不能移行,即使是字母较多的单音节词,如through等也不能例外。





4.由“年、月、日”表示的日期,如果必须分开移行只能将“月、日”与“年”分开。如January 6,1980不能将January和6分开移行,但可以把January 6,和1980分成两行。



2. 英语对话作文格式

A:hi,Zhou kai ting.What are you doing now ?

B:I'm busy with my homework. I have't take a rest for a long time .

A: You're so great that I can't help admiring your enthusia *** .What's your schedual like ?

B: You know ,I'm a student ,so I take the most time to study .

A: When do you get up in the morning ?

B: Why do you ask me that foolish question? Y ou should know we students get up about 7:50

A: You just said you take the most time to study . Why not get up earlier ?

B: It's my special way to save my energy.

A: What do you usually do in the morning ?

B: I usually play gmes on the Inter .I play the games like crazy .

A: Wait ,wait ,wait ,You said that you spend your most time on your study .

B: I think to play games can improve my intelligence .

A: What do you usually in the afternoon ?

B: Oh, I usually go shoping in a whole afternoon . Don't laugh at me ,it's my way to enrich my knowledge .And I think。。..

A: Stop stop stop ,I really don't care what you what to say .In my opinion , your schduel is so terrible that I have to criticize you . You should follow me , I spend no time on my study and I am mitted to the Interbar to enjoy the beautiful time !

3. 三篇关于对话的英语作文

hmm..well today was fun!..mom made me go to the stupid public pool thing with kaitlyn,nicholas and mady drew..and it sucked..cause its not like i actually did anything..i just sat there for..however long we were there and listened to music and drew in my notebook thingy..but yea..and i swear..if i got tan im ganna scream..cause i like being just..like..white..or pale i guess..coughemocough..hehe!..tyann always says im emo when i say i dont wanna get tan..or darker or whatever..but yea..today was boring..and then i got to go home and clean the whole freaking house..cause my mom had to go get this guy thats ganna work in the restaurant and so hes staying at our house for a while..so its like yey!..another mexican..its not like im racist..i just..im tired of always being around people that i have no idea what theyre saying..but anyways..hmm..im really bored..*sigh*..and now theyre here..what fun..oh great..i just realized something..this means no video games at like 2 in the morning..oh well i guess..he'll be gone soon enough..hopefully。

.hmm..i probablly need to be getting to be getting to bed soon..cause theres nothing else for me to do..and i really wanna get rid of this whole sickness thing..and so im supposed to sleep..alot..which sucks..and haha!..brittany has school tomorrow..ohh..i got soo excited the other day..cause like i got my report card and i started freaking out..cause i got a b in biology..and i was failing like..the week before finals..and i was like AH!..i was like so surprised..but yea..im ganna go..i probablly wont actually sleep..mostly cause i have to eat lucky charms cause i havent done that yet today..lol..but yea..so im off to eat lucky charms..。

4. 描写人物对话的作文

(1)有个老外到唐山去旅游,住在当地一户农家里。早上起来,看见院子里有只猫,就逗猫玩,这时候这户人家的老太太出来了,就说:“鼓捣猫呢?”来外还以为是问“早上好”,于是就会了一句“Good morning!”

到了晚上,老奶奶看见这老外又在洗衣服,就说:“鼓捣衣服呢?”老外赶紧又回答一句:“Good evening”心里那个佩服,中国人厉害,连老太太英语都说的这么好!

深夜,老外泡了一杯牛奶,准备喝完睡觉,又被老太太看见了,问老外:“鼓捣奶呢?”老外一听,连“Good night”都会说,彻底晕菜。


董事长在黑板上写了一句话:How are you?然后看了看下面的委员说:“你们谁来翻译一下这句话?”。结果没有人相应,董事长有些不快,这么简单的句子都不会?于是董事长就点名让李董事来翻译。


董事长非常恼火,但不便发作,只好说:“再来一个试试!”,于是在黑板上有写了一句话:How old are you ?李董事回答道:“怎么-来-是-你?”

(3)有一天津大哥学英语,头一天就记住了问价钱是可以说how much。第二天市场买菜,寻思显摆显摆,于是问:嘛好吃?卖菜的一愣!自己想不对,又问 :好吃吗?一想,又不对,又问:吃嘛好?



5. 编一些英语的对话和作文

My hometown is beautiful place It stands near a wide river at the foot of low green hills. It has many tall buildings and wide streets. There are trees and flowers everywhere.

But it has not always been like that. In the old days, it was a sad dirty little town. Landlords and merchants lived in the few good houses. For the working people there were only dark, unhealthy rooms in old buildings and huts in narrow muddy streets. Nearly everyone was poor and many had no work.

Everything has changed since liberation. The people, led by the Party, have got rid of the mud and dirt. They have put up schools, theaters, shops and flats. They have an assembly hall and a hospital. Along the river they have built offices, hotels and parks. A lot of factories have sprung up. On the river, streamers and boats e and go busily, day and night. They carry the products of our industries to all parts of the country.

I love my hometown, and I love its people. They also have changed. Healthy and happy, they are going all out to build sociali *** .




解放后一切都改变了。在 *** 的领导下,人民告别了泥泞和肮脏。他们建起了学校、剧院、商店和公寓,还有大礼堂和医院。沿河建起了办公大楼、宾馆和公园。许多工厂迅速涌现。河上汽船、小船日夜穿梭,他们将我们的工业产品运往全国各地。


6. 用下面的对话写一篇英语作文

初一就这么难的题目了啊,现在的教育真不得了了.我编62616964757a686964616fe58685e5aeb931333339663439的对话不知道有没有超出初一的范围,楼主先看看吧.A:Hey Tom,look at my new PSP!B:Cool!What can it do?A:You can use it to listen to musics,play video games and read e books.B:Gee!It's really a powerful machine.A:Of course,nowadays the technology is developing faster and faster.B:Yes,and a lot of inventions are ing out every day.A:I think people now are enjoying the conveninece brought by these inventions.B:I agree with you.For example cars shorten the real distance of the world,while inter shorten the visual space of the world.A:Exactly,and that's why now the world is called "Village of Earth".B:But although people gain convenience from inventions,they have paid some cost.A:What kind of cost?B:Those advanced machines make people much lazier and unhealthier than before.A:I can only partially agree with you.Many people will use machines to do their work,so they are being lazier.B:So you don't think people are getting unhealthier?A:Of course not.As medical techonology is so advanced,new medicine can cure all kinds of diseases.B:But don't you think these diseases are caused by people's laziness?A:Er,maybe you are right.But it will make people invent better medicines.B:As you know in ancient times,people didn't have such effective machines,they can only rely on their hands and hardwork.A:You mean we should do more exercise everyday to keep healthy?B:You mean it.In a word,inventions have advantages as well as disadvantages.We should make good use of them.A:You are right.。

7. 简单英语对话作文带翻译

The National Day is ing!


Jane:Yeah, we'll have a vacation for seven days. What do you plan on doing during the holiday?


Ben:I plan on going sightseeing.


Jane:Oh, Gosh! There will be so many tourists during that time. Why don't you change your plans?


Ben:I know, but it's not that easy for me to have such a long holiday to travel. What about your plans?


Jane:Me? I intend to stay at home for the whole seven days and have a good rest.


8. 对话英语怎么写

A:What's your favourit job?

B:Um。It may be doctor

A:Are you going to be a doctor?

B:Not really,I just love this job and I think doctors are very kind.

A:Well,what do you want to be when you grow up?

B:I don't know,if I will be good at English maybe I will be an English teacher.How about you,C?

C:I really want to be an astronaut.


C:I think astronauts are very famous and everyone will know me if I'm an astronaut.

B:Athletes are famous,too.Why don't you be an athlete?

C:I'm not good at PE.And athletes are always very tired.D,I remembered that you want to be an athlete,right?

D:Yeah.But I'm not sure.

C:Oh,why not?

D:Though I'm good at PE,as you say,being an athlete is always very tired.

C:Oh,but you will be famous and strong if you are an athlete.

D:That's right.I think at first,we should study harder!

A,B and C:SURE!
