



Yu from the water to Noah's Ark to see differences between Eastern and Western cultures

From the ancient civilization of mankind's struggle with the floods began. Whether China's water Yu legend story of Noah's Ark or the West, are described in the ancient primitive era and the beginning of the flood fight. However, in the face of the flood disaster, not only to sum up the father of Yu gun embankment waterproof learn from the failure of river dredging, excavating channels, and "they are Lei Cha to the public for the first, or floods for 13 years, three homes have been without "Finally appeared in" Nine is very careful, not only spending nine Ze, Zhu Xia Yian "(" Historical Records canals "), the situation has become popular of the Chinese nation through the ages, knows the mouth with approbation. In the West, known as "the Bible" recorded in the story of Noah's Ark: Noah by God's revelation of God in the world to punish the evil, we should flood the world and the human destruction before the construction of a ship, and all the family The male and female animals, all taken on board a pair, survived the flood disaster. Two stories in the East and West, down through the ages, lasting, the accumulation of their civilization, full of the differences between Eastern and Western cultures, the interpretation of the colorful culture of the world.
Dayu water and Noah's Ark reflects the different Chinese and Western cultures of the world. Noah by God's revelation, by God's Ark to escape the drop to the people of the disaster, while Yu and floods as a natural phenomenon, and lead the people along the way with ease to defeat the floods; Noah also left a seed of human reproduction, But also to human beings to repent their sin God has provided a precedent, and Yu is left of humanity and nature in harmony with the struggle of thinking. This is fundamentally both embodied in the world is, the difference of world view. In China, the origin of the universe in general and development of health as a natural course of action is always flooded, and the people of the universe is an integral part of people to adapt to the flow of the universe, that is, "Heaven and Man . " It is this world view, so that the flood waters Dayu, the best use of the situation, not to "block" and "Shu", so that our ancient Xian Di desert east to west along the river to the sea basin of water in people's struggle to form a pool together A great nation, casting a great era of water, creating a kind of ancient oriental civilization. In the West, but an attempt to find a universe there is absolutely no change, and there is no such departure from the provisions of the basic nature of all things. Western civilization as the source of one of the Jewish - Christian theology, God took the time and as the creator of all things, God saved Noah, so as to the interpretation of Western civilization.
Dayu water and Noah's Ark embodies the core of Chinese and Western cultures - and the sound radical, Yuedong and demure, analysis and synthesis of differences. In the face of humanity "evil", to take God's way is to destroy humanity. This breakthrough in the balance of the original made the leap and a new mutation, is a prominent feature of Western culture. Thus reflected in the philosophical and full of restless Xiasi in the literature on praise for the spirit of the knight, in the spirit of artistic publicity campaigns and masculine beauty. In the way of thinking is reflected in the one-sided driving, a philosopher of language is split into two, in the same difference. Therefore, God as a whole, without the need to think only they can end to human reproduction, philosophers, thinkers, only around a focus, to be able to get to the bottom of casting his own theory building to form their own school, and, as well as Feng Qi ideas, theories One after another, represents the typical characteristics of Western culture - Analysis. The contrast, in the face of floods, China's ancient Xiandi have fought, Yu finally "block" and "Shu" thinking about the contradictions found in the approach to water management and use at the time of the original range of knowledge and skills The success of water. This combination of Oriental culture typical features of an integrated thinking, the accumulation of the oriental culture to the core of a stable and demure, a philosopher of language is combined with the differences in order. Thus the whole concept of Chinese philosophy Nianshenrijiu, indifferent to the Ming Chinese culture, the truth became quiet Zhi Yuan, China's gentle aesthetic beauty to become advocates. It is like the depths of the sea, beautiful coral, sea grass of Piaoye as well as the leisure marine fish, with the choppy sea, a demure pose a colorful picture. This is the realm of the oriental culture.
Dayu water and Noah's Ark in the West reflects the view of the ethical and moral differences. Two stories on the surface to form the evacuation of the West, the East to divert flood water ideological differences, and then look through the surface reflects the culture of the West about natural rights, stressed the individual-based, the main publicity, and more emphasis on Oriental Culture Zhi-li, speaking and human relations based collective responsibility for the difference. In the story of Noah's Ark in although no Noah's struggle for human traces, they can see the building of the ark carefully planned, he felt seize the opportunity and perseverance of the main building of the ship, he learned that the use of external conditions To cope with the crisis in order to gain advantages strain of thinking. Western culture in the long-term development of the democratic culture of ancient Greece thought, to the development of the Renaissance to the extreme, and strong color to describe the pursuit of personality independence, the liberation of personality, the emphasis on individualism screen. Regard to the rise of Western culture, the talent, track record; on the other hand, the result of ideological confusion, the unlimited expansion of individualism, forming self-expression values of individualism. Dayu water and the spirit of carrying forward from generation to generation, China has been cultivating self-examination, self-discipline, from the collective selfishness of the starting ceremony of governance and re-thinking of the meaning of light profit culture, Chinese people formed a modest, courteous, and heavy social responsibility of the fine traditional culture. This long-term culture of accumulation and the formation of Chen Yi-chung, Fucizaixiao, Fuchangfusui Confucianism outside the law within the social structure and human relations responsibilities, on the one hand, guarantee the harmonious relations among people, promote national unity and social Stability, so that the large extension of the Millennium nation, but on the other hand, the imprisonment of human individuality and creativity of the play is not conducive to democratic ideals and democratic system. In addition, the Western emphasis on the relationship between husband and wife horizontal, vertical re-orient each other by blood. Xie Qi Noah to avoid water, and Yu is the succession of his father, then married to a four-day water, but also reflected the closure of the East and West with the opening of the ideological and cultural characteristics.
The formation of the East-West cultural differences are many reasons for the difference is the colorful. Noah's Ark Water and Yu showed us the beautiful landscape of Eastern and Western cultures, the differences between Eastern and Western cultures lead us to the source, we are inspired by Chinese and Western thinking about the nature and essence, we have to learn from each other, each other, "abandoned." "Demure" China's traditional culture and "Yue Dong," the Western culture matched so that the responsibility of the East and the West thought the right to go in order to generate the colorful picture of human civilization.
第1个回答  2008-11-01
第2个回答  2008-11-01
Yu from the water to Noah's Ark to see differences between Eastern and Western cultures

From the ancient civilization of mankind's struggle with the floods began. Whether China's water Yu legend story of Noah's Ark or the West, are described in the ancient primitive era and the beginning of the flood fight. However, in the face of the flood disaster, not only to sum up the father of Yu gun embankment waterproof learn from the failure of river dredging, excavating channels, and "they are Lei Cha to the public for the first, or floods for 13 years, three homes have been without "Finally appeared in" Nine is very careful, not only spending nine Ze, Zhu Xia Yian "(" Historical Records canals "), the situation has become popular of the Chinese nation through the ages, knows the mouth with approbation. In the West, known as "the Bible" recorded in the story of Noah's Ark: Noah by God's revelation of God in the world to punish the evil, we should flood the world and the human destruction before the construction of a ship, and all the family The male and female animals, all taken on board a pair, survived the flood disaster. Two stories in the East and West, down through the ages, lasting, the accumulation of their civilization, full of the differences between Eastern and Western cultures, the interpretation of the colorful culture of the world.
Dayu water and Noah's Ark reflects the different Chinese and Western cultures of the world. Noah by God's revelation, by God's Ark to escape the drop to the people of the disaster, while Yu and floods as a natural phenomenon, and lead the people along the way with ease to defeat the floods; Noah also left a seed of human reproduction, But also to human beings to repent their sin God has provided a precedent, and Yu is left of humanity and nature in harmony with the struggle of thinking. This is fundamentally both embodied in the world is, the difference of world view. In China, the origin of the universe in general and development of health as a natural course of action is always flooded, and the people of the universe is an integral part of people to adapt to the flow of the universe, that is, "Heaven and Man . " It is this world view, so that the flood waters Dayu, the best use of the situation, not to "block" and "Shu", so that our ancient Xian Di desert east to west along the river to the sea basin of water in people's struggle to form a pool together A great nation, casting a great era of water, creating a kind of ancient oriental civilization. In the West, but an attempt to find a universe there is absolutely no change, and there is no such departure from the provisions of the basic nature of all things. Western civilization as the source of one of the Jewish - Christian theology, God took the time and as the creator of all things, God saved Noah, so as to the interpretation of Western civilization.
Dayu water and Noah's Ark embodies the core of Chinese and Western cultures - and the sound radical, Yuedong and demure, analysis and synthesis of differences. In the face of humanity "evil", to take God's way is to destroy humanity. This breakthrough in the balance of the original made the leap and a new mutation, is a prominent feature of Western culture. Thus reflected in the philosophical and full of restless Xiasi in the literature on praise for the spirit of the knight, in the spirit of artistic publicity campaigns and masculine beauty. In the way of thinking is reflected in the one-sided driving, a philosopher of language is split into two, in the same difference. Therefore, God as a whole, without the need to think only they can end to human reproduction, philosophers, thinkers, only around a focus, to be able to get to the bottom of casting his own theory building to form their own school, and, as well as Feng Qi ideas, theories One after another, represents the typical characteristics of Western culture - Analysis. The contrast, in the face of floods, China's ancient Xiandi have fought, Yu finally "block" and "Shu" thinking about the contradictions found in the approach to water management and use at the time of the original range of knowledge and skills The success of water. This combination of Oriental culture typical features of an integrated thinking, the accumulation of the oriental culture to the core of a stable and demure, a philosopher of language is combined with the differences in order. Thus the whole concept of Chinese philosophy Nianshenrijiu, indifferent to the Ming Chinese culture, the truth became quiet Zhi Yuan, China's gentle aesthetic beauty to become advocates. It is like the depths of the sea, beautiful coral, sea grass of Piaoye as well as the leisure marine fish, with the choppy sea, a demure pose a colorful picture. This is the realm of the oriental culture.
Dayu water and Noah's Ark in the West reflects the view of the ethical and moral differences. Two stories on the surface to form the evacuation of the West, the East to divert flood water ideological differences, and then look through the surface reflects the culture of the West about natural rights, stressed the individual-based, the main publicity, and more emphasis on Oriental Culture Zhi-li, speaking and human relations based collective responsibility for the difference. In the story of Noah's Ark in although no Noah's struggle for human traces, they can see the building of the ark carefully planned, he felt seize the opportunity and perseverance of the main building of the ship, he learned that the use of external conditions To cope with the crisis in order to gain advantages strain of thinking. Western culture in the long-term development of the democratic culture of ancient Greece thought, to the development of the Renaissance to the extreme, and strong color to describe the pursuit of personality independence, the liberation of personality, the emphasis on individualism screen. Regard to the rise of Western culture, the talent, track record; on the other hand, the result of ideological confusion, the unlimited expansion of individualism, forming self-expression values of individualism. Dayu water and the spirit of carrying forward from generation to generation, China has been cultivating self-examination, self-discipline, from the collective selfishness of the starting ceremony of governance and re-thinking of the meaning of light profit culture, Chinese people formed a modest, courteous, and heavy social responsibility of the fine traditional culture. This long-term culture of accumulation and the formation of Chen Yi-chung, Fucizaixiao, Fuchangfusui Confucianism outside the law within the social structure and human relations responsibilities, on the one hand, guarantee the harmonious relations among people, promote national unity and social Stability, so that the large extension of the Millennium nation, but on the other hand, the imprisonment of human individuality and creativity of the play is not conducive to democratic ideals and democratic system. In addition, the Western emphasis on the relationship between husband and wife horizontal, vertical re-orient each other by blood. Xie Qi Noah to avoid water, and Yu is the succession of his father, then married to a four-day water, but also reflected the closure of the East and West with the opening of the ideological and cultural characteristics.
The formation of the East-West cultural differences are many reasons for the difference is the colorful. Noah's Ark Water and Yu showed us the beautiful landscape of Eastern and Western cultures, the differences between Eastern and Western cultures lead us to the source, we are inspired by Chinese and Western thinking about the nature and essence, we have to learn from each other, each other, "abandoned." "Demure" China's traditional culture and "Yue Dong," the Western culture matched so that the responsibility of the East and the West thought the right to go in order to generate the colorful picture of human civilization.
第3个回答  2008-11-01
Yu from the water to Noah's Ark to see differences between Eastern and Western cultures

From the ancient civilization of mankind's struggle with the floods began. Whether China's water Yu legend story of Noah's Ark or the West, are described in the ancient primitive era and the beginning of the flood fight. However, in the face of the flood disaster, not only to sum up the father of Yu gun embankment waterproof learn from the failure of river dredging, excavating channels, and "they are Lei Cha to the public for the first, or floods for 13 years, three homes have been without "Finally appeared in" Nine is very careful, not only spending nine Ze, Zhu Xia Yian "(" Historical Records canals "), the BoardFace, the Chinese nation has become popular through the ages, knows the mouth with approbation. In the West, known as "the Bible" recorded in the story of Noah's Ark: Noah by God's revelation of God in the world to punish the evil, we should flood the world and the human destruction before the construction of a ship, and all the family The male and female animals, all taken on board a pair, survived the flood disaster. Two stories in the East and West, down through the ages, lasting, the accumulation of their civilization, full of the differences between Eastern and Western cultures, the interpretation of the colorful culture of the world.
Dayu water and Noah's Ark reflects the different Chinese and Western cultures of the world. Noah by God's revelation, by God's Ark to escape the drop to the people of the disaster, while Yu and floods as a natural phenomenon, and lead the people along the way with ease to defeat the floods; Noah also left a seed of human reproduction, But also to human beings to repent their sin God has provided a precedent, and Yu is left of humanity and nature in harmony with the struggle of thinking. This is fundamentally both embodied in the world is, the difference of world view. In China, the general universeThe origin and development of health as a natural course of action is always flooded, and the people of the universe is an integral part of people to adapt to the flow of the universe, that is, "Heaven and Man." It is this world view, so that the flood waters Dayu, the best use of the situation, not to "block" and "Shu", so that our ancient Xian Di desert east to west along the river to the sea basin of water in people's struggle to form a pool together A great nation, casting a great era of water, creating a kind of ancient oriental civilization. In the West, but an attempt to woo Zhou looking for a change of the existence of absolute and there is no such departure from the provisions of the basic nature of all things. Western civilization as the source of one of the Jewish - Christian theology, God took the time and as the creator of all things, God saved Noah, so as to the interpretation of Western civilization.
Dayu water and Noah's Ark embodies the core of Chinese and Western cultures - and the sound radical, Yuedong and demure, analysis and synthesis of differences. In the face of humanity "evil", to take God's way is to destroy humanity. This breakthrough in the balance of the original made the leap and a new mutation, is a prominent feature of Western culture. Thus reflected in the philosophical and full of restless Xiasi in the literature on praise for the spirit of the knight, in the spirit of artistic publicity campaigns and masculine beauty. In the way of thinking is reflected in the one-sided driving, is a philosopher of language Split in two in the same difference. Therefore, God as a whole, without the need to think only they can end to human reproduction, philosophers, thinkers, only around a focus, to be able to get to the bottom of casting his own theory building to form their own school, and, as well as Feng Qi ideas, theories One after another, represents the typical characteristics of Western culture - Analysis. The contrast, in the face of floods, China's ancient Xiandi have fought, Yu finally "block" and "Shu" thinking about the contradictions found in the approach to water management and comprehensive use of time The original range of knowledge and skills and success of the water. This combination of Oriental culture typical features of an integrated thinking, the accumulation of the oriental culture to the core of a stable and demure, a philosopher of language is combined with the differences in order. Thus the whole concept of Chinese philosophy Nianshenrijiu, indifferent to the Ming Chinese culture, the truth became quiet Zhi Yuan, China's gentle aesthetic beauty to become advocates. It is like the depths of the sea, beautiful coral, sea grass of Piaoye as well as the leisure marine fish, with the choppy sea, a demure pose a colorful picture. This is the realm of the oriental culture.
Dayu water and Noah's Ark in the West reflects the view of the ethical and moral differences. Two stories on the surface to form the evacuation of the West, the East to divert flood water ideological differences, and then look through the surface reflects the culture of the West about natural rights, stressed the individual-based, the main publicity, and more emphasis on Oriental Culture Zhi-li, speaking and human relations based collective responsibility for the difference. In the story of Noah's Ark in although no Noah's struggle for human traces, they can see the building of the ark carefully planned, he felt seize the opportunity,Made the subject perseveringly ship, he learned that the use of external conditions to cope with the crisis in order to gain advantages strain of thinking. Western culture in the long-term development of the democratic culture of ancient Greece thought, to the development of the Renaissance to the extreme, and strong color to describe the pursuit of personality independence, the liberation of personality, the emphasis on individualism screen. Regard to the rise of Western culture, the talent, track record; on the other hand, the result of ideological confusion, the unlimited expansion of individualism, forming self-expression values of individualism Concept. Dayu water and the spirit of carrying forward from generation to generation, China has been cultivating self-examination, self-discipline, from the collective selfishness of the starting ceremony of governance and re-thinking of the meaning of light profit culture, Chinese people formed a modest, courteous, and heavy social responsibility of the fine traditional culture. This long-term culture of accumulation and the formation of Chen Yi-chung, Fucizaixiao, Fuchangfusui Confucianism outside the law within the social structure and human relations responsibilities, on the one hand, guarantee the harmonious relations among people, promote national unity and social Stability, so that the large extension of the Millennium nation, but on the other hand, the false imprisonment Human individuality and creativity of the play is not conducive to democratic ideals and democratic system. In addition, the Western emphasis on the relationship between husband and wife horizontal, vertical re-orient each other by blood. Xie Qi Noah to avoid water, and Yu is the succession of his father, then married to a four-day water, but also reflected the closure of the East and West with the opening of the ideological and cultural characteristics.
The formation of the East-West cultural differences are many reasons for the difference is the colorful. Noah's Ark Water and Yu showed us the beautiful landscape of Eastern and Western cultures, the differences between Eastern and Western cultures lead us to the source, we are inspired by Chinese and Western thinking about the nature and essence, we have to learn from each other, each other, "abandoned." "Demure" China's traditional culture and "Yue Dong," the Western culture matched so that the responsibility of the East and the West thought the right to go in order to generate the colorful picture of human civilization.
