

The word "匿" in Chinese can be translated to English as "conceal" or "hide." It fundamentally means to keep something hidden or not visible to others. This action can be likened to the English verb "to conceal," which refers to the act of deliberately hiding something or oneself from view. On the other hand, "hide" is another synonym in English, signifying the act of physically or metaphorically withdrawing from sight to avoid detection.

When expressing these concepts in Chinese, the verb "匿" is often associated with related words such as "藏" (to store or keep hidden) and "躲" (to evade or avoid). For example, you might say "藏起来" (hide away) or "躲起来" (to take cover) to describe the act of hiding.

In both Chinese and English, the core idea of "匿" revolves around the action of making something or oneself less noticeable, whether by physically moving out of sight or by obscuring it from view. This simple yet versatile word can be used in a variety of contexts, from hiding a secret to avoiding detection in a game.


