


在英语中,想要传达“突然”或“意外”的意味,我们常常会用到副词如 suddenlyabruptlyunexpectedly。然而,英语中还有更多富有表现力的短语可以助你一臂之力,比如 out of a suddenall at onceout of the blue

all of a sudden 是一个强调无预警突然发生的词汇,它的力量不亚于 suddenly,比如:

大楼在一声巨响中瞬间震动:All of a sudden, we heard a loud explosion that shook the building.

厨房里突然传来巨响:All of a sudden, I heard an almighty crash from the kitchen.

一声尖叫惊醒熟睡:不知何时我陷入梦境,但突然间听到尖叫,瞬间惊醒:I was asleep, but suddenly there was an awful scream and I was up.

谷仓瞬间化为灰烬:The barn went up in flames all of a sudden.

all at once 则表示“忽然间,毫无预兆”,与 "all of a sudden" 互换使用,例如:

她的惊叫突如其来:“What is that? she cried, all at once.

一只兔子突然现身:“All at once, a rabbit came out of a hole.

尖叫声让人措手不及:“He let out a piercing shriek all at once, startling me.

行人突然停下脚步,引发意外碰撞:“The men in advance stopped suddenly, causing a chain reaction.

out of the blue 是一个生动的习语,意为“突如其来的”,常用于口语中,比如:

她突然宣布离职:“One day, she announced she was leaving the company, out of the blue.

工作机会突然降临:“The job offer came out of the blue, demanding an immediate decision.

吉姆遭受意外撞击:“Jim was walking when a car hit him, out of the blue.

久别重逢的老朋友惊喜现身:“An old friend appeared at the party, out of the blue, bringing a pleasant surprise.

而当要强调出乎意料的惊人事件时,我们还可以用 a bolt out of the bluea blot from the blue,例如:

他的辞职来得令人措手不及:“He seemed happy in his job, but his resignation was a bolt out of the blue.

弟弟的离世如同晴天霹雳:“The news of his brother's death was a bolt out of the blue for her.

大学校长的离职消息让人惊讶:“The news of the president's resignation came as a bolt from the blue, given his commitment to stay.

