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  Chocolate is good for the heart

  In addition to improving the state of mind, in recent years, chocolate's role in disease prevention scientists began to get attention. Recently, the "American Journal of Drug," a paper published that chocolate, especially dark chocolate contains a natural anti-oxidant flavonoids, can be hardened to prevent the blood vessels and increase the vitality of myocardial, muscle relaxation, to prevent the accumulation of cholesterol in the blood vessels inside, Prevention and treatment of cardiovascular disease have a certain efficacy.

  In fact, this is not the first time scientists chocolate effectiveness of disease prevention, Greece and Germany have been similar studies. Last September, the authority of the British medical journal "The Lancet" published a study in the United States, pointed out that chocolate can prevent heart disease. University of California, the House安德鲁瓦特also found that: dark chocolate and red wine, fruits, vegetables, contain phenolic substances (flavonoids-one is), can lead to cancer and heart disease kill the damaged cells. Japan's research also showed that: extracted from the chocolate phenolic substances can enhance the immune blood.

  Not long ago, according to the "American Journal of Clinical Nutrition" reported that the Italian researchers at the University of L'Aquila made a test: 15 healthy people eat every day for 15 days in a row 100 grams of dark chocolate and found that their blood pressure has been Lower, while insulin sensitivity is to be strengthened. However, volunteers for 15 days in a row every day to eat 100 grams of white chocolate, it has not produced that result. As a result, doctors estimate that dark chocolate with diabetes may be helpful.

  In addition, the United Kingdom at the University of London Min Site Keluoboshi found that chocolate can prevent a cold. He pointed out that the smell of chocolate can induce the immune system to produce a male named "immunoglobulin A" antibodies, which can deal with a variety of physical, "small problems" such as the common cold, and so on.

  In addition to these very real health, disease prevention, scientists also pointed out that chocolate contains a variety of nutrients, such as there is the role of the antioxidant vitamin E, magnesium; necessary for the body of potassium, iron and tannin, and so on, the brain of children A lot of good development of lecithin; nuts, milk chocolate will include some of the other nutrients. In addition, the raw material of chocolate cocoa beans contain a large number of flavanols, which also has health care, disease prevention.

  Scientists in the study, some of the chocolate "harm" has been clarified. The study found that the fat in chocolate does not affect cholesterol levels. Normal cholesterol in food a month in a row of plain chocolate or cocoa butter, cholesterol targets are not increased. In addition, the study also shows that chocolate does not cause acne and acne, it will not cause tooth decay.

  Experts recommend eating dark chocolate

  In recent years, as a result of chocolate awareness and increasing public awareness and renew, so in Europe and other places, the chocolate consumption increased significantly. In France, 10 years of chocolate production has increased by 33%, reaching 400,000 tons.

  People in the chocolate concern rising at the same time, dark chocolate began to sing a "hero." One reason is that the health effects of chocolate, particularly its "outstanding"; Another reason is that dark chocolate is sugar and fat content of one of the lowest in the chocolate. In France, 81% of the people will buy chocolate and chocolate as the first choice. Last year, as the media have reported that the health effects of dark chocolate, Japan and even appeared in major shopping malls buying scene.

  Despite the many benefits of chocolate, but it does not, after all, the world's perfect food. For chocolate, experts continue to be "appropriate for human consumption." French newspaper correspondent in France in the Ministry of Health website that the notice of food hygiene is "appropriate" to guide people to eat chocolate. In Paris, known as a "cocoa and chocolate" the food store owner, Ms. Nora told reporters that although the nutrient-rich chocolate, but it's not low-calorie daily consumption of the best control in less than 100 grams. Newspaper reporter friends in Canada, health food nutrition expert, Dr. James also hold the same view. In his view, more chocolate sugar, obese or eat the best; most people's daily dietary intake of the population do not have more than 100 grams. Experts also believe that the nutritional content of the chocolate is not balanced and it is easy for belly full sense of normal diet, it is not suitable for children to eat more. The adults eat more chocolate, may have anorexia, nausea, weakness, such as resistance to the deterioration of "chocolate syndrome."
第1个回答  2008-10-23


第2个回答  2008-10-23