爱丽丝梦游仙境故事梗概英文版 大概500,600单词


Alice have always been plagued by the same nightmare,until a party she attended at the age of 20.This is a boring party,unexpectedly is elaborate courtship ritual.In the face of provide for oneself and live comfortably lad Hamish come unexpectedly proposal,unprepared for Alice was frightened indeed jump.Alice was attracted by a single Ma3 jia3 rabbit,in pursuit of a Alice fell into a bottomless tree hole,came to a wonderland "unbelievable underground world".At this time,living in the world of good people are looking forward to her,but she thought it was a dream,only to wake up quickly back to the real world.However,after understanding the Mad Hatter,Alice knows the underground world is in "the Red Queen" bloody rule,in accordance with the "Almanac" prophecy,only she can help the "White Queen" over the "Queen of hearts",let the underground world return to peace and quiet.