
1.How did you find out about this educational institut?

2.How are you intending to put your studies to use after graduation?

3.What are your means of support in finland?(Attach a bank statement,a certificate of a scholarship or similar proof of resources)

4.Name of educational institute and area of study ?

5.Are you planning to work in finland?Have you already secured a job in finland?

6.If you are applying for a residence permit when already in finland ,what was the reason for your entry to finland and why are you only applying for a residence permit now that you are in finland ?(e.g. what was the purpose of stay on your visa)

7.III.The person submitting the application is applying for a permit for(下面有几个选项)
A:For her/himself B:For his /her spouse
C:For another member/underage/underage child
D:For an employee Applicant E:is in Finland
F:is abroad,where?

1.How did you find out about this educational institut?
It is introduced by my friend in Finland
2.How are you intending to put your studies to use after graduation?
上面这个问题是不是问毕业了以后什么打算?如果是,请帮我翻译“回到合肥或合肥附近的城市(如南京,上海)的外资企业工作。因为合肥市现在是中国中部崛起速度最快的中等城市,每天都有无数高楼崛起,有很好的发展空间。对外的联系越来越紧密。我在合肥有很多外国朋友,但是还没有一个芬兰人,我希望有一天能在我的家乡合肥有芬兰朋友。I will be back Hefei City or other cities near Hefei,for example Nanjing and Shanghai,and I hope to be employed by one of foreign invested firms.Because Hefei City now is the most rapidly developing city in the middle China, there are countless buildings builting up everyday in the city, and good development space. Hefei City now has closer and closer links with external world. I have many foreign friends, but no one is Finnish. I hope I will have Finnish friends in Hefei.

3.What are your means of support in finland?(Attach a bank statement,a certificate of a scholarship or similar proof of resources)
My parents will support my study in Finnand and provide me with enough expence
4.Name of educational institute and area of study ?

5.Are you planning to work in finland?Have you already secured a job in finland?
I will focus on my study, and will not find an job in Finland.

6.If you are applying for a residence permit when already in finland ,what was the reason for your entry to finland and why are you only applying for a residence permit now that you are in finland ?(e.g. what was the purpose of stay on your visa)

7.III.The person submitting the application is applying for a permit for(下面有几个选项)
A:For her/himself B:For his /her spouse
C:For another member/underage/underage child
D:For an employee Applicant E:is in Finland
F:is abroad,where?
第1个回答  2008-12-12
1.How did you find out about this educational institut?
I learned about the institute from a friend in Finland.

2.How are you intending to put your studies to use after graduation?
After graduation, I plan to return to my hometown Hefei, China or any surrounding major cities such as Shanghai and work for an international corporation. Hefei is one of the fastest growing medium-size cities in China with many business opportunites. I have made many international friends
in Hefei. But I don't have a Finnish friend yet. Hope one day I'll be able to make a Finnish friend here.

3.What are your means of support in finland?(Attach a bank statement,a certificate of a scholarship or similar proof of resources)
My parents will support me financially during my stay in Finland. (需要出示银行存款证明或奖学金。)

4.Name of educational institute and area of study ?

5.Are you planning to work in finland?Have you already secured a job in finland?

6.If you are applying for a residence permit when already in finland ,what was the reason for your entry to finland and why are you only applying for a residence permit now that you are in finland ?(e.g. what was the purpose of stay on your visa)


应该是 not applicable.(N/A) 应该你现在人还在国内吧。

7.III.The person submitting the application is applying for a permit for(下面有几个选项)递交申请表的人是为谁申请准可证?
(你是在申请永久居留吗? 不知道这里的permit是不是指永久居留,还是别的许可证。 如果你只是申请出国念书,这一栏应该不用填。如果是指
entry permit, 那就填A)

A:For her/himself (自己) B:For his /her spouse (配偶)
C:For another member/underage/underage child (别人,未成年的小孩)
D:For an employee Applicant (雇员)E:is in Finland (在芬兰)
F:is abroad,where? (在国外,现在哪个国家)
这个怎么理解,我该怎么选, (如果是为你自己递交申请的话,选A.)
第2个回答  2008-12-12
在芬兰的朋友介绍:In Finland friend of the Presentation.


3.您用如何手段来支持的开支芬兰? (附上一份银行对帐单,一份证书的奖学金或类似的证明,资源)
Come from the economic my parents。父母是我的经济来源


6.如果您正在申请居留证时,已经在芬兰,是什么原因您进入芬兰和你为什么只申请居留证你现在在芬兰? (如:什么是为了留在贵国的签证)
第3个回答  2008-12-12
1:应该可以。翻译:introduction of a friend in Finland

翻译(有小细节改了下):Back to find a job in the foreign-funded enterprises of Hefei, or in the vicinity of the city (such as Nanjing, Shanghai).
Now Hefei is one of the fastest growing medium-sized city in central China.It will have a very good development.
External links more closely.
I hope that one day Finland friend will live in my hometown Hefei.

3.What are your means of support in finland?(Attach a bank statement,a certificate of a scholarship or similar proof of resources)
My parents will support me financially during my stay in Finland. (需要出示银行存款证明或奖学金,如果你是要靠奖学金的话)

4.Name of educational institute and area of study ?

5.Are you planning to work in finland?Have you already secured a job in finland?

6.If you are applying for a residence permit when already in finland ,what was the reason for your entry to finland and why are you only applying for a residence permit now that you are in finland ?(e.g. what was the purpose of stay on your visa)


应该是 not applicable.(N/A) 应该你现在人还在国内吧。

7.III.The person submitting the application is applying for a permit for(下面有几个选项)递交申请表的人是为谁申请准可证?
(你是在申请永久居留吗? 不知道这里的permit是不是指永久居留,还是别的许可证。 如果你只是申请出国念书,这一栏应该不用填。如果是指
entry permit, 那就填A)

A:For her/himself (自己) B:For his /her spouse (配偶)
C:For another member/underage/underage child (别人,未成年的小孩)
D:For an employee Applicant (雇员)E:is in Finland (在芬兰)
F:is abroad,where? (在国外,现在哪个国家)
这个怎么理解,我该怎么选, (如果是为你自己递交申请的话,选A.)
第4个回答  2008-12-20
这些问题你都回答不了还出国干吗? 交流都成问题