

It is important to keep our body healthy to avoid illness. There are many ways to keep ourselves healthy. First of all, we must eat healthily. We should eat less meat and more fruit and vegetables. Drinking eight cups of water a day is good for our body. Secondly, we should have at least eight hours of sleep a day. Thirdly, we should do more exercise because exercise help to build us strong and reduce fat in our body. We should always remember to lead a healthy life. 保持我们的身体健康避免疾病是非 常重要的。有很多的方法可以保持我们 的身体健康。首先,我们必须吃得健 康。我们将少吃肉多水果和蔬菜。喝八 一杯水一天能担当我们的身体。其次, 我们每天至少有八个小时的睡眠。第 三,我们要做更多的运动,因为运动使 我们身体强壮,降低我们身体的脂肪。 我们将总是记住过健康的生活。