七年级上册英语作文以“my eatmg habit”60字左右


My habit

Everyone has own habits. Some of them are good while some are bad. Now please allow me to introduce mine to you.
As an outgoing girl, I like sports very much, especially dancing. I can't help dancing as soon as I hear the music. Dancing helps me keep a good figure and in good health. When people praise me for dancing beautifully, I feel so happy. On the other hand,I have some bad habits. I like surfing the Internet so much that I spend a lot of time sitting in front of the computer. I asked my teacher for advice. He suggested I read more books and go out with my friends instead of staying at home. Thanks to his advice, I get rid of the habit at last.
第1个回答  2014-11-27
Eating habit is a very important part in our lives.A good eating habit make you healthy and strong.This is my eating habit.I like to have some pieces of bread and two eggs for breakfast,it keeps my sprite well.For lunch,I like to have something different such as hamburgers,steack and so on.And eat less for my dinner,because before sleeping,you should eat less.Some fruit are my better choice.
Let us eat healthy food to keep ourselves fit!