

My hometown is YanCheng,it is a boom town in Jiangsu province.It has a population of 7.8 million.The city is known as the name "fishing town of rice".In the history,there were many great man in YanCheng.For example,the author of Xiyouji,the Tai school of Qing Dynasty.
YanCheng is rich in sea and beach resources,it is named "the gold coast".
第1个回答  2023-04-21

Yancheng, a city located in eastern China, is my hometown. Yancheng is known for its beautiful scenery and rich cultural heritage.

One of the most well-known scenic spots in Yancheng is Dongtai Coast. It is a beautiful stretch of coastline that runs 53 kilometers along the Yellow Sea. The beach is clean and the water is clear, making it a popular tourist destination for swimming, sunbathing, and other beach activities.

In addition, Yancheng is also famous for its beautiful wetlands. The Yancheng Wetland Nature Reserve is one of the largest wetland areas in China and is home to a variety of rare and endangered species, including Siberian cranes, red-crowned cranes, and milu deer.

As for cultural heritage, Yancheng has a long history dating back to the Han Dynasty. There are many historical sites in the city, such as the Xijiao Temple and the Wenfeng Pagoda, which are is also a must-visit attraction, as Yancheng was historically an important center for salt production.

Finally, Yancheng is also known for its delicious food, including seafood, river fish and various local specialties the most popular dishes include Stir-fried Yellow Croaker and Braisedancheng.

In summary, rich city with plenty of natural attractions, historical sites, and delicious food. I am proud to call it my hometown.
