牛仔裤"1969" 这是什么牌子啊???


1. "牛仔裤'1969'这是什么牌子啊???"
2. "是名牌来自是名牌。GAP 1969是GAP中最昂贵的系列。"
GAP 1969是GAP品牌中的高端系列,以其高品质和设计而著称。
3. "GAP诞生在美国,成为美国青少年的时尚选择。"
4. "GAP带给人们的是一种休闲的气质,它让无拘无束的美国青年,能够尽情的享受自然、舒适的生活。"
5. "1969年,GAP的创始人当劳·费雪正在美国加州的一家时装店里,挑选适合自己的牛仔裤。可是选来选去都找不到一条合适的。"
In 1969, GAP创始人DDonald Fisher was in a San Francisco clothing store searching for a pair of jeans that suited him, but couldn't find the right one.
6. "在这种动力的驱使下,当劳·费雪创造了这一美国历史性品牌——GAP。"
Driven by this frustration, Donald Fisher went on to establish the iconic American brand, Gap.
7. "GAP的第一家店,采用的是牛仔裤和录音带并肩销售的方式,可是结果并不理想。"
Gap's first store sold jeans alongside audio tapes, but this approach did not prove successful.
8. "很多人感兴趣的只是录音带,至于牛仔裤,由于它的耐磨、耐穿性,人们都会不约而同的选择当时比较有名气的猛扒牛仔品牌大亨Levis。"
While many were interested in the audio tapes, jeans were often overlooked in favor of the more established and reputable Levi's brand, known for its durability.
9. "于是,近4吨的GAP牛仔裤只能以进价出售。直到GAP第二家店开张时,当劳·费雪将重点转向年轻人,着重强调一种年轻化的购物氛围。"
As a result, nearly four tons of Gap jeans had to be sold at cost. It wasn't until the opening of the second Gap store that Donald Fisher shifted his focus to cater to a younger demographic, emphasizing a youthful shopping experience.
10. "所销售的商埋轮品也只包括服装,比如圆领T恤、短而精干的纯棉质上衣、牛仔裤等。这种全新的销售方式,使得GAP很快在美国本土小有名气。"
The store exclusively sold apparel such as crew-neck T-shirts, short and crisp cotton tops, and jeans, leading to the brand's quick rise in popularity within the U.S.
11. "在20世纪八、九十年代,GAP发展迅速弯知信,它的系列品牌GAP、OldNavy、Gapkid等相继上市,并在最短的时间内占领了美国休闲品牌市场,并得到了美国及海外的认可。"
During the 1980s and 1990s, Gap experienced rapid growth, launching additional brands like Old Navy and GapKid. It swiftly captured the U.S. casual clothing market and gained recognition both domestically and internationally.