

1. The heading of a letter typically includes the sender's address and the date, which is written in the upper right corner of the letterhead.
2. The salutation is a greeting addressed to the recipient, such as "Dear Xiaojun," and is placed below the heading and on the left side of the letter.
3. The body of the letter is the main content where the sender expresses their thoughts. It should be well-written, logically structured, and convey the message clearly.
4. The complimentary close is a polite expression at the end of the letter, akin to "Best Wishes" or "Sincerely," and it is placed beneath the body of the letter.
5. The signature is made below the complimentary close, slightly to the right and centered.
Here is an example letter:
Dear [Friend's Name],
Long time no see! How have you been recently? I hope this letter finds you well. I am thrilled to share with you that I have been accepted into a prestigious university. It's a dream I've held for years, and I am overjoyed that my hard work has paid off.
I understand that you have one more year until your college entrance exams. I would like to offer you some advice that might help you along the way. Firstly, try not to become overwhelmed by the pressure. Secondly, thorough preparation is key to your success on the exam. Lastly, maintain a level head and stay focused.
Wishing you all the best with your studies. I am looking forward to hearing about your own achievements.
Warm regards,
[Your Name]