
12.2. PROPORTIONATE LIABILITY. Any liability of the of the Architect for breach of this agreement, or for any other cause of action arising out of the breach of this agreement, shall be limited to those damages actually caused by the Architect’s breach and shall not include any liability for damages caused by the Contractor, the Owner, or other members of the construction team.
A. Insurance
The most obvious risk-shift measure is through insurance, but the enormous cost of architects’ and engineers’ liability insurance -- and the huge deductibles that typically apply to them -- make them a very unsatisfactory method of shifting the risk from themselves. A much better method is to shift the risk from the Architect and his insurance carrier to other members of the construction team’s insurance carriers, which can be done through the use of an “additional insured” clause in the Owner/Architect Agreement and, through it, in the Owner/Contractor Agreement. A typical clause might read as follows:
12.3. ADDITIONAL INSURED. To the extent possible, the Owner will include the Architect as an additional insured on all policies of insurance on this
Project, and will require, in its contract with the Contractor, that the Contractor and its subcontractors include the Architect as an additional insured on all of the policies of insurance which they are required to maintain in effect on the Project.
Although the Supreme Court has refused to extend the express negligence doctrine to additional insured provisions, see, Getty Oil Company v. Insurance Co. of North America, 845 S.W.2d 794 (Tex. 1992), prudence would dictate that, in light of the opinion in Dresser Industries v. Page Petroleum, 853 S.W.2d 505 (Tex. 1993), the clause be conspicuous.
A. Indemnification
A much-attempted, but [at least in this author’s experience] seldom successful attempt at risk shifting in Owner/Architect contracts is the use of contractual indemnification clauses. These generally take one of two forms: (1) Indemnification from the consequences of the negligent acts of others; and (2) indemnification from the consequences of one’s own negligence. The statutory and common law limitations upon the use of the latter are considerable, although the former can and is frequently is used by some of the members of the construction team to shift risks.
1 Indemnification from the Architect’s Own Negligence
a Statutory Limitations
Some jurisdictions have statutory limitations which affect the designer’s attempt to require the Contractor to indemnify the Architect. See, e.g., Tex.Civ.Prac. & Rem.Code Ann. Section 130.002 (Vernon Supp. 1996) which states that:
A covenant or promise in, . . . a construction contract is void and unenforceable if the covenant or promise provides for a contractor . . .to indemnify or hold harmless a registered architect, registered engineer or . . . from liability for damage that:

12.2 比例分摊责任
Any liability of the of the Architect for breach of this agreement, or for any other cause of action arising out of the breach of this agreement, shall be limited to those damages actually caused by the Architect’s breach and shall not include any liability for damages caused by the Contractor, the Owner, or other members of the construction team.
A. Insurance
A. 保险
The most obvious risk-shift measure is through insurance, but the enormous cost of architects’ and engineers’ liability insurance -- and the huge deductibles that typically apply to them -- make them a very unsatisfactory method of shifting the risk from themselves. A much better method is to shift the risk from the Architect and his insurance carrier to other members of the construction team’s insurance carriers, which can be done through the use of an “additional insured” clause in the Owner/Architect Agreement and, through it, in the Owner/Contractor Agreement. A typical clause might read as follows:
12.3 附加投保
To the extent possible, the Owner will include the Architect as an additional insured on all policies of insurance on this Project, and will require, in its contract with the Contractor, that the Contractor and its subcontractors include the Architect as an additional insured on all of the policies of insurance which they are required to maintain in effect on the Project. 在可能的程度上,业主将在本项目所有保险单上作为附加投保而包括建筑师,而且将在其与承包商的合同中要求,承包商及其分承包商在所有他们被要求保持对项目有效的保险单上作为附加投保而包括建筑师。
Although the Supreme Court has refused to extend the express negligence doctrine to additional insured provisions, see, Getty Oil Company v. Insurance Co. of North America, 845 S.W.2d 794 (Tex. 1992), prudence would dictate that, in light of the opinion in Dresser Industries v. Page Petroleum, 853 S.W.2d 505 (Tex. 1993), the clause be conspicuous. 虽然最高法院一直拒绝将明示过失原则扩展到附加投保条款中,这可参见Getty 石油公司对 北美保险公司的案例, 845 S.W.2d 794 (Tex. 1992), 但是鉴于Dresser Industries公司对Page石油公司案例853 S.W.2d 505 (Tex. 1993)中的观点,为审慎起见,该条款是醒目的。
A. Indemnification
A much-attempted, but [at least in this author’s experience] seldom successful attempt at risk shifting in Owner/Architect contracts is the use of contractual indemnification clauses. These generally take one of two forms: (1) Indemnification from the consequences of the negligent acts of others; and (2) indemnification from the consequences of one’s own negligence. The statutory and common law limitations upon the use of the latter are considerable, although the former can and is frequently is used by some of the members of the construction team to shift risks. 在业主/建筑师的合同中,在风险转移上一个常常尝试,但(至少在本作者的经验中)很少成功的尝试是使用合同赔偿条款。这些条款一般取两种形式的一种:1)来自因其他人过失行为的后果的赔偿;2)来自因自己过失的后果的赔偿。虽然前者常常被要转移风险的施工团队的某些成员所采用,但对于后者的使用,法定的限制和普通法的限制是相当大的。
1 Indemnification from the Architect’s Own Negligence
1. 来自建筑师自己过失的赔偿
a Statutory Limitations
a. 法定限制
Some jurisdictions have statutory limitations which affect the designer’s attempt to require the Contractor to indemnify the Architect. See, e.g., Tex.Civ.Prac. & Rem.Code Ann. Section 130.002 (Vernon Supp. 1996) which states that: A covenant or promise in, . . . a construction contract is void and unenforceable if the covenant or promise provides for a contractor . . .to indemnify or hold harmless a registered architect, registered engineer or . . . from liability for damage that:
某些管辖权有法定的限制,这会影响到设计师要求承包商赔偿建筑师的意图。参见Tex.Civ.Prac. & Rem.Code Ann. 的案例,Section 130.002 (Vernon Supp. 1996),它说明了:一项在……一份施工合同中的契诺或承诺,如果该契诺或承诺为承包商提供了……以赔偿或保持无害于一名注册建筑师、注册工程师或……那么从以下的损害责任来说是无效的,或是无法执行的:
第1个回答  2009-04-16
虽然最高法院拒绝延长表达疏忽学说额外保险的规定,见,格蒂石油公司诉保险公司北美, 845 SW2d 794 (德州1992年) ,慎重起见,鉴于舆论德雷瑟工业诉页石油, 853 SW2d 505 (德州1993年) ,该条款是显眼。
一个非常企图,但[至少在笔者的经验]很少成功的尝试在风险转移的所有者/建筑师合同是利用合同的赔偿条款。这些通常采取两种形式: ( 1 )赔偿的后果之疏忽行为的人;及( 2 )赔偿的后果自己的过失。法定和普通法限制使用后者相当,但前者可以和经常使用的一些成员的施工队伍转移风险。
有些法域法定限制影响设计师的企图,要求承包者赔偿建筑师。例如,见Tex.Civ.Prac 。 & Rem.Code安。科一百三十点零零二(弗农补充。 1996年) ,其中指出:
契诺或承诺, 。 。 。建造合同是无效或无法执行,如果公约或承诺提供了一个承包商。 。 。赔偿或持有无害注册建筑师,注册工程师或。 。 。从损害的赔偿责任是: