

1. Samson is an English name with a Hebrew origin, meaning "bright sun." It is commonly used as a boy's name and is derived from Swedish and Welsh languages. The name has a romantic, open, and expressive impression.
2. Earl, translated as 鄂尔, is a name that originated from English nobility. It has a sense of dignity and elegance.
3. Raby, translated as 蕊比前搜, seems to be a misspelling or a misunderstanding. There is no clear origin or meaning for this name.
4. Berdy, translated as 比瑞慧启历迪, seems to be a misspelling or a misunderstanding. There is no clear origin or meaning for this name.
5. Casey, translated as 凯茜, is an Irish name with a diminutive form of Katherine. It is a popular name that carries a sense of cheerfulness and vitality.
6. Gordon, translated as 戈登, is a Scottish name derived from the Gaelic word "gorm," meaning "dark blue." It has a strong and commanding presence.
7. Reynold, translated as 雷诺, is an English name derived from the Germanic word "ragn," meaning "advice" or "counsel." It has a sense of wisdom and leadership.
8. Raphael, translated as 拉斐儿, is a Hebrew name meaning "God has healed." It is the name of an archangel and is associated with healing and protection.