



Today, my mother bought me a 365 night story. I couldn't wait to turn to the story of crow drinking water and read it carefully. I learned from it that as long as I was willing to do it, there was nothing impossible.


"Crow drinking water" is about a crow who was thirsty and flew to the ground to find water to drink. Suddenly, the crow saw a big water bottle with half a bottle of water, but he couldn't drink water. The crow thought and thought and came up with a way. First, put the pebble into the bottle so that the water would rise. So the crow did so. Sure enough, it could drink water.


How clever the crow is! But its spirit of not flinching back in case of difficulties is more worthy of my study. Think about it, when I encounter difficulties in my study and life, sometimes I am too lazy to think of ways. Now I think it's too inappropriate. From today on, I should be like a crow and be good at thinking and not afraid of difficulties.
