


1. 关键短句掌握:
- 健康饮食与平衡膳食:a healthy diet, a balanced diet
- 以不同方式表达:in different ways
- 频繁出现的短语:most often
- 表达挫败感:feel frustrated
- 到午餐时间:by lunchtime
- 对过去的肯定推测:must have happened
- 街道尽头:at the end of the street
- 对某事感到惊奇:be amazed at
- 扔掉无用之物:throw away
- 逃脱责任:get away with
- 说谎:tell lies
- 提供能量和营养的食物:energy-giving food, body-building foods
- 保持精力充沛:feel fit
- 饮食的优缺点:weakness, strength
- 进行研究:do some research into
- 谋生手段:earn one’s living
- 负债:be in debt
- 表达强烈不满:glare at, upset sb., feel sick
- 食物的消化难易:heavy food
- 聊天话题:chat about
- 配料:serve with
- 转换关系:rather than
- 减少:cut down
- 长时间后:before long

2. 关于时间副词的使用:
- in the end, finally, at last 均表示最终,但用法有差异。例如:After several delays, we finally managed to go on vacation. At last, he understood the meaning of life.

3. 介词短语表示被动:
- "under construction" 表示正在建设中
- "beyond belief" 表示难以置信
- "above praise" 表示无法赞美
- "for sale" 表示待售

4. 交际用法和时态:
- 代替度假方式:try hiking instead of bus rides
- 问候句型:Say Hi/Hello/Thanks to sb.
- 进行时表将来:Is anyone seeing you off?
- 持续努力:She struggled and struggled to stand up.
- 条件状语从句:Unless you know the rules, don't go rafting.
- 目的状语从句:By staying at a place, tourists contribute to the village economy.

5. 时态和副词:
- 分词作状语:Tree after tree was cut down by water.
- 现在分词表伴随:The next wave swallowed her without her thinking twice.
- before的用法:It didn't take long before the building was destroyed.

6. 日常词汇和短语:
- 参加活动:attend school, church, meeting, class
- 询问出席情况:Did you attend the meeting yesterday?
- 看护与专注:attend to, take care of
