
一个是talk about hobit ,一个是关于大学学习,还有个是关于暑假计划的 谢谢~~

1 口语考试的利和弊(advantages and disadvantages of oral English test)
A:Hi, long have you been doing? 嗨,好久不见,你最近在忙什么呢?
B:I'm busy preparing for my spoken nglish exam. 我在忙着准备我的英语口语考试呢。
A:It? it must be tough. 是吗?那一定很辛苦吧。
B:Yes, speaking too hard, made me feel quite schizophrenic. don't know why did this. 是啊,口语太难了,搞得我晕头转向的。真不知道为什么要考这个。
A:I think it's a good chance of exercise. While in college i'm afraid the standard of spoken english tests are not many. There has been in such a spoken english exam. you never know their english speaking ability, perhaps you would be nervous at that time, say that is not good, but doesn't matter, the most important are you prepared, to meet other similar ; oral test or the interview, you have accumulated. 我倒是觉得这是一个锻炼的好机会。在大学期间恐怕参加正规的英语口语测试的机会并不是很多。有过参加这样一次英语口语考试的经历,你会知道自己的英语口语水平怎样,也许你当时会紧张,会说的不够流利,但是都没有关系,最重要的是你准备了,经历了;以后再碰到别的类似的口语考试或面试,你都有了积累。
B:So is said that, but the accumulated is very important, and learning english is to spend a lot of time. 话是这么说,可是积累很重要啊,而且学习英语是要花费很多时间的。
A:Not pay, how can we return? 不付出辛苦,怎么能得到回报呢?
B:I see, so to my oral english to a quality improvement, i have to pay very much. 我明白,所以为了我的英语口语能有一个质的提高,我已经付出很多了。
A:Yes, any word of the examination is not a surrender, we study English
and participate in the real business of language is communication, employment and international cooperation to force abstract force.对,任何言语考试都不是一种伎俩,我们进修英语并参与考试的真正伎俩是提升言语沟通力、就业合作力以及国际抽象力。
B:Learn english well is so large? 学好英语有这么大的好处?
A:Of course, if you to the master test, usually when there is an english speaking the interview. therefore, conclusion, my spoken english exam is : exercises are also able to meet other with the examination, several friends who is good practice english, can enjoy.那当然,如果你考研的话,一般在复试的时候也会有一个英语口语面试。所以,总结来说,参加口语口试的好处是:锻炼自己,另外还能认识别的一起考试的人,多几个朋友总是不错的啊,可以一起练口语。
B:Thank you for your reminding. 谢谢你的提醒。
A:Nothing of. 没什么。

2 大学生活(college life)
A: hi, Susan hello嗨,苏三你好啊
B: hello你好
A: we good long time no see咱们好长时间不见了啊
B: yes, since graduation have long time no see, you now in which university are you studying是啊,自高中毕业已经很长时间不见了,你现在在哪个大学读书
A: In business college, have been here for more than a year time, feel to university life is really a fine我商务学院,已经在这里一年多时间了,感觉大学生活真是美好
B: yes, college life is really quite good, here I can do many I to do their own thing, such as I can see our favorite books, join the club that oneself like, more important is that I can feel oneself like on the course是啊,大学生活的确是挺美好的,在这里我能做许多我自己想做的的事情,比如我可以看自己喜欢的书,参加自己喜欢的社团,更重要的是我可以上自己喜欢觉的课程
A: what do you like most college course你最喜欢什么大学课程呢
B: I most like cut history for history, I like very much, our ancestors created civilization was great. In the learning process, I feel I to motherland culture identification deepened ceaselessly. Through the study, I just know the world to China's misunderstanding, modern ancients understanding. You know, we can't use the vision to judge the ancients now. 我最喜欢上历史课了,对于历史我非常喜欢,我们祖先创造的文明太伟大了。在学习过程中,我感觉我对祖国文化的认同感不断加深。通过学习,我才知道世人对中国的误解,现代人对古人的理解。要知道,我们是不能用现在的眼光去评判古人的。
A: boon, you say I'm agrees, for foreigners to our misunderstandings too deep, and we don't know much about the country's history, there are many misunderstandings. 恩,你说的我深表赞同,外国人对我们误解太深,而我们对祖国的历史也了解不多,存在许多的误解。
B: except history, I like a lot of other courses, economics is also my favorite, as long as we think we can go to study, really very happy. 除了历史课,我还喜欢其他好多的课程,经济学也是我喜欢的,只要我们想我们就可以去学习,真的很幸福。
A: then we should cherish this chance more, we must study hard那我们更应该好好珍惜这机会,我们一定要好好学习
B: well, let us work together好,让我们共同努力吧

3 英语学习(english learning)
A:Oh,hey,you look so worried,what's wrong?嗨,你看起来忧心忡忡的,怎么了?
B:Um...well,in fact,it's about my English.事实上,是关于我的英语
A:English?Is there songthing wrong with your English?英语?你的英语怎么了?
B:Yes.Although I am always working hard in my English,I still can't get a good mark in the test.虽然我很努力的去学习我的英语了,但我总不能考一个好分数
A:That's why you are so upset?这就是你失落的原因吗?
B:I think so.我想是的
A:Well,guy,could you listen to my opinions?好吧,伙计,你可以听听我的意见吗?
B:Of course.当然
A:First,you should be obsorbed in the class and summarize the main point what the teacher says.首先,你应该吸收并总结课堂上老师讲的主要观点
B:Yes,I do.Bus sometimes I can't keep up with the teacher.是的,我知道,但是有时候我无法给我跟上老师
A:Hey,listen to me.You don't need to write down all the things.When you are listening,just abbreviate the long point and only the important parts.Secondly,you must be abiding and as soon as you meet problem,go ahead to have the teacher solve.Only if you do this,you can make it.嘿,听我说,你不需要记下所有的东西,你只要把长观点简略记下并记住重要的部分就好了,而且你必须一有问题就去问老师,只要你做到这些,就没有问题了
B:Oh,I will take it from now on and thank you very much.好吧,从现在开始我会去这样做,谢谢你
A:That's all right.不用谢
第1个回答  2014-05-26
首先是hobit,按照what why how来解决吧,你的爱好是什么,为什么喜欢着爱好,平时怎么去实践的,适当的加入时间地点吧。相同的,大学学习和暑假计划都是。
口语注重的是口头话吧,不要太注重句子的完整性,比如说你觉得这个想法怎么样,我们书面上会说what do you think about this opinion,但是我们口语就可以说what you say。。。虽然不符合书面表达,但是比较灵性吧


= = 我英语完全不会。。。能给个大概模板么。。。 求救啊。。我不想挂啊。。。


Q:what's your summer holiday plan?
A:i will say i have a big plan,travelling,playing vedio game,find a part-time job,i gonna do what i can't do during the study time.That's it.
Q:what's your summer holiday mean?
A:well,you kown what the summer holiday plan means for me?it means happy,it means freedom,i can do whatever i wanna do.That's it
Q:so what do you usually do in your summer holiday?
A: summer holiday is a much exiciting time for me,go swimming,go sightseeing,go fishing and so on,of course,i am a big fan of vedio game,lol,wow,cs and so on,i can die for it,.hah




我说,你想背下来然后到时候读出来吗?there's no free lunch呀,就算你背下来了,被老师问急了不一定答得出来的。会多少说多少吧,不怕


= = 挂科了就不好玩儿了。。。。。麻烦您老人家了
