信任 英语


信任 英语:

trust; have confidence in; believe in; take [put] stock in; faith; reliance; credence; dependence; 


信任某人 have trust in sb.; confide in sb.; have [place] confidence in sb.; 

不信任某人 put no trust in sb.;

得到...的信任 enjoy the trust in sb.; be in sb.'s confidence; 

坚定地信任他 trust in him unfalteringly; 

我完全信任他。 i trust him completely. 

假如你对朋友不守信义, 你就不要指望他们会信任你。 you cannot expect your friends to trust you if you don't keep faith with them. 

老张对工作一丝不苟, 同志们都很信任他。 lao zhang is very conscientious in doing his work, so his comrades all have confidence in him.

    信任投票 vote of confidence;

    信任危机 crisis of confidence; 

    信任状 credential

    不信任    distrust; not believe in; have no faith in; have no confidence in 不信任案 no-confidence motion; 不信任他人 be distrustful of others; 不信任投票 vote of nonconfidence

    倒扁、信任    abien

    对……信任    confidence in

    和信任    there s a truth in your eyes

    可信任    dependability; trusty

    相信, 信任    have faith in

    相信,信任    belief

    信,信任    belief

    信任, 信赖    place dependence on; place dependence upon; put dependence on; put dependence upon

    信任,信仰    believe in

    信任,委托    trust

    信任,信心    confidence

    信任,信用    confidence

    信任;凭证    credence

    信任;尊重    esteem v. believe; respect and admire

    信任的    trustful; trusting; unsuspecting

    信任地    confidingly; trustfully; unsuspectingly

    信任度    confidence level; degree of belief; trust

    信任感    sense of trust

    信任链    trust chain

    信任你    trusting you

    信任票    vote of confidence

    信任区    zone of confidence

    信任人    trust the man

    信忍    firm belief i. e. from the

    信人者人恒信之    trust men and they will be true to you

