求翻译 把下面这段话翻译成英文

求翻译 把下面这段话翻译成英文虽然斯科普斯并不是文坛的巨匠,但他以当事人的视角,运用自己敏锐的观察力,成功地塑造了法庭辩论中被告律师达罗和原告律师布莱恩两位主人公栩栩如生的形象。与此同时,他还精细入微地描写了观众在审判过程中不同阶段不同的表现。


作者虽不是名家大手笔, 却能从小处着眼,艺术地再现了这场科学与宗教、智慧与愚昧之间错综复杂的斗争,使读者在认识到科学必将战胜愚昧,真理最终战胜谬误的同时,还得到了艺术上的享受,这一点无疑是难能可贵的。


Is not a master of the literary arena, although scopes but his perspective, of the parties to use their keen observation, successfully created the defendant lawyer in court debate darrow and the plaintiff's attorney Brian two characters vivid image. At the same time, he also fine audience during the trial in the different stage of performance.

In addition, in order to strengthen the artistic appeal, the author ingeniously use irony, pun, irony and other figures of speech, the irony has received the good effect, make the whole article on court debate rather than let a person feel boring, boring to read instead appears believable, interesting, and meaningful.

作者虽不是名家大手笔, 却能从小处着眼,艺术地再现了这场科学与宗教、智慧与愚昧之间错综复杂的斗争,使读者在认识到科学必将战胜愚昧,真理最终战胜谬误的同时,还得到了艺术上的享受,这一点无疑是难能可贵的。
The author is not famous, but it can, small art recreation of the science and religion, intricate struggle between wisdom and folly, make the reader realize science will certainly overcome ignorance, conquer untruth truth finally at the same time, also the artistic enjoyment, it is valuable.