

第1个回答  2022-11-01

1. 我给自己听写单词作文






2. 急求英语高手听写英语文章

An Important Aspect of College Life

It is perfectly possible to anize the life of our colleges in such a way that students and teachers alike will take part in it; in such a way that a perfectly natural daily intercourse will be established beeen them; and it is only by such an anization that they can be given real vitality as places of serious training, be made munities in which youngsters will e fully to realize how interesting intellectual work is, how vital, how important, how closely associated with all modern achievement---- only by such an anization that study can be made to seem part of life itself. Lectures often seem very formal and empty things; recitations generally prove very dull and unrewarding. It is in conversation and natural intercourse with scholars chiefly that you find how lively knowledge is, how it ties into everything that is interesting and important, how intimate a part it is of everything that is interesting and important, how intimate a part it is of everything that is “practical” and connected with the world. Men are not always made thoughtful by books; but they are generally made thoughtful by association with men who think.

3. 关于中国汉字听写大会的英语作文

Last night, the Chinese Chinese characters "exciting" dictation conference champion night ended, from Hangzhou foreign language school land Jialei and Yu Jiamin, respectively won the championship in the contest.

The general assembly to "write the tran *** ission of civilization, people save" for the purpose of.

Now, mobile phone and puter are integrated into our lives, not many people write with a pen. What is to replace *** .? The keyboard. You occasionally find, now you even the daily life need to use the words are wrong. Perhaps one day, you even the word "man" and "in" words are not clear。

Can't write Chinese characters, is not written Chinese word; can't write Chinese words, he will not respect the motherland. It is also called the Chinese?

The bright five-star red flag flying high, remind us that we should always love the motherland, safeguard the motherland。

4. 关于英语作文













2、注意整理笔记。 (翻译)English study planA general:1, insist every day, make full use of all can use the time to learn English. No persistence study and will do guarantee, everything is talking.Day 2, article, dictation paper as the center, one of the study.Three, five listening, speaking, reading and writing are the practice, to hear.4 QiuZhi, not the dictation, the article thoroughly understand enough, don't lie, great greed. Solid, step-by-step, is the way of learning English.5 and the time fully utilize the pieces together learn English, repeating.6 and dictation is a good way to learn English, will continue to be strengthened.7, early to bed and early to rise to learn English.8 and caught a kit is sufficient, not blindly change materials.9 and study English every day must have a detailed plan of feasible, must strictly enforce, no any excuse.10 and believe in yourself, must be able to learn English well.Second, part:(a) listening:1, except the weekend, 10-12:00 every night dictated a five minutes. On hearing the *** ysis process.2, morning and evening carry MP3, a have free time to listen to this passage is repeated until hear rotten.3, a foreign movie this weekend, review contents, check a week-long study plan implementation.4, fine listen, listen to countless times.(2) :1, read the passage and retelling dictation.2, every day, every week to join in the English corner said the mouth.3 in the process of reading aloud, pay attention to the correct pronunciation.(3) reading:1, weekly reading an English newspapers.2, every time your notes.Write (4) :One day, the short dictation for all Chinese, English, again.2, pay attention to your notes.。

5. 关于提高英语听力和口语的英语作文带翻译 120字左右

Learning English just like learning any other foreigh language, is hard work so you should spend time practicing using English for munication. Besides, you should listening to English radio programmes and attending English debbates and speech contests. What's more, be patient and confident. Don't be shy and don't be afraid of making mistakes. We must understand that mistakes are unavoidable. A saying goes" Failure will blossom into success." So be patient with your mistakes and try to awoid them other time. I believe" practice makes perfect". So why not try to speak English as often as you can.


6. 怎么样提高英语书写速度,听写一篇文章三边要全写下TEM4

TEM4里面那个听写挺简单的呀 那个是拿分题 不过容易出小错 第一遍正常语速 这个时候不要写 要听懂大概意思.听的时候有复杂的单词 或者提笔写不上来的单词就先在草稿纸上记一下记中文就可以 别浪费时间第二遍速度就慢了跟着写就可以了 注意一下名词单复数还有动词时态遇到没听清的地方别死抠 留个空隙继续写下面的第3遍检查的时候主要看有没有遗漏什么的 把没听出来的补上 个别小地方实在听不出来就算了只要句子都完整就没大问题:)听写给的文章都不难 而且不会写的或者复杂的单词很少考前练习一下就好了 不练肯定不行..。

7. 有什么英语100字听力短文吗

I am really sorry about my oral English. I know it's very important to practise the oral English every day; But I was too lazy before. I always had different excuse for the practice. That's why I haven't improve my oral English. Well, I will try my best to learn English very well in the future, and I won't be lazy again. I hope you can still help me as usual as before. Thank you very much!。

8. 如何练好英语听力 英语作文

The ear hears English, all the English sound,

That brain in that head, English meaning to have found.

The English sound matches the English meaning in the brain.

The listening will grow, and not in vain.

Good luck.

9. 英语短文听写“happiness”

Many people think that when they bee rich and successful,happiness will naturally follow.Let me tell you that nothing is further from the truth.The world is full of very rich peoplewho are as miserable as if they were living in hell.We have read stories about movie stars who mitted suicide or died from drugs.Quite clearly, money is not the only answer to all problems.Wealth obtained through dishonest means does not bring happiness.Lottery winnings do not bring happiness.Gamble winnings do not bring happiness.To my mind, the secret to happiness lies in your successful work,There is no use sayingin your contribution towards others' happinessand in your wealth you have earned through your own honest effort.If you obtain wealth through luck or dishonest means,you will know that it is ill earned money.If you get your money by taking advantage of others or by hurting others,you will not be happy with it.You will think you are a base person.Long-term happiness is based on honesty, productive work, contribution, and self-esteem.Happiness is not an end; it is a process.It is a continuous process of honest, productive workwhich makes a real contribution to othersand makes you feel you are a useful, worthy person.As Dr. Wayne wrote, “There is no way to happiness. Happiness is the way.”There is no use saying“Some day when I achieve these goals,when I get a car, build a house and own my own business,then I will be really happy.”Life just does not work that way.If you wait for certain things to happenand depend on external circumstances of life to make you happy,you will always feel unfulfilled.There will always be something missing.。

10. 四级英语听力和作文要怎么复习


首先 听力想要提高 不是一天两天的 必须每天都要听 我一开始和你是一样的 本来听力很差 所以导致听起听力来越听越烦 所以 我开始进行听力的听写练习 就是找来和四级语速差不多的听力 一句一句的听 每听见一个词 就写下一个词 反反复复 直到听出来为止 但是 如果有一些实在听不出 就放过 但是你在去看看原文的时候 你一定永远记住了这个词 在听到这个词的时候 你肯定能听出来了 记住 一定要把听见的写下来 我觉得这样 还可以提高你的听写练习能力 我这样听了一个月 听力有了明显的提高 连原来觉得最难的听写长句子那个题 基本都写得出来 记住 听力的提高不是一天两天 一定要克服困难 持之以恒 从最基础的来 不要怕麻烦 一个词一个句的去听 去学习 你才能有长足的进步

至于作文嘛 我必须告诉你 作文是四级考试中最简单的部分 之所以说它简单 是因为你不用在它身上花费太多时间去学习 你需要的 只是在考试之前的二十天 背诵二十篇四级范文 其实四级作文就是那么几个固定句式反复说 那些固定的句式 你必须要背下来 然后就是 你说你老觉得没有词汇 句子可以写 我觉得 是你的词汇量可能不是很够 还有 你在写四级作文的时候 不要老是卖弄高深 老是想用那些深奥华丽的词汇去写 你应该从你自己最擅长的着手 一句话 只要能把意思表达清楚 语法没有错误 就已经很好了 不要老是想写那些长的 难的句子 我的英语老师告诉我们说 有些学生作文失分 就是因为老是想写那些长难句

所以 背诵作文模版 掌握基本词汇量 还有一些固定词组就可以了 实在不行 平时每天写一篇作文 写一个月 你肯定会有提高的

呵呵 说的墨迹了点 希望能对你有帮助 扎实基础 持之以恒 再一次考四级的时候 你肯定能过 相信我

第2个回答  2024-05-17