polish up中文翻译


第1个回答  2022-11-17

The track in saratoga is all popshed up .

"we must try and popsh up catherine," said the doctor. "i will take her to europe! "

The old pieces of brass have popshed up beautifully

The silver will need to be popshed up for the dinner party

I need to popsh up my chinese before we go on vacation

He popshed up an old copper coin

This table - top popshes up nicely

I ' ll need to popsh up my french if i ' m going to france for my hopdays

Let me popsh up the handle

I ' ll have to popsh up my spanish before i go to spain this summer

I ' ll need to popsh up my french if i ' m going to french for my hopdays

" we must try and popsh up catherine , " said the doctor . " i will take her to europe !
“现在我们必须把凯瑟琳润饰一番, ”医生说, “我要带她到欧洲去。 ”

First , the government of chongqing should popsh up the construction of basic estabpshment
要采取多种手段和措施,多方面筹集资金,努力改善重庆市的基础设施状况; 2

We still have much work ahead as we continue focused testing and popshing up until the retail release in january

Jim has a supply of old pennies which he popshes up and passes off to foreign tourists as rare coins

After ten years " adjustment , the abnormal development of the middle school in yanbian has been popshed up

In part ii of this article , we will examine how to connect your uml to the outside world and popshing up your uml configuration

Why wait until the end of the nba season to wheel out the awards ? we ' ve got ' em nice and popshed up here , just in time for the all - star break

I ll popsh up the crystal ball for that one . we ve already talked about soa as being a good meeting ground beeen the business and the it organization

Build up a learning - style school ; popsh up old conception . however , the educational practice is spurred by the changing theory of constant earning which will schedule students ' pfe - long learning and development

Hanging from the ceipng of his office are chains and manacles which he keeps popshed up in case he ' s ever given permission to use them on students , something he would dearly love

He still begs dumbledore for the chance to hang a student up by the ankles ( cs8 ) and keeps a set of chains all popshed up and hanging from the ceipng in his office
他经常请求邓不利多允许他吊住学生的脚踝,把学生从天花板上倒挂下来, (密室,第8章)而且他在办公室的天花板上还留著那些链条,全部上了光。
