
1, Many people have contributed to this book,some directly-such as the authors, editors, and so on —and others indirectly,through their encouragement and support. To be the editors of this book has been exciting. To achieve its production within twelve months has been a miracle. To work with colleagues such as theses has been a privilege. We thank you all sincerely.
2,It is accepted that tourism is now the single largest economic activity in the European community,with potential for further growth. It currently accounts foe 5 percent of the Community's gross domestic product, and 5 percent of all foreign trade;in employment terms it provides 8 milion jobs directly,and when indirect effects are taken into account the total rises to 16 million.
3,Our representative for Europe ,Mr J. Needham,will be in Paris from the 24th to the 30th of this month, and we have asked him to make an appointment to visit you during this period. He will have with him a full range of samples of our hand-made lines, and is suthorised to discuss the of an order with you or to negotiate a contract.
4,We offwe attactive salary and benefits packages with opportunities for training and promotion to the right candidates.Please send full resume with current and expected salary to the following address. Please also mark position applied on envelope. Photos and resumes will not be returned.Candidates with potential will be interviewed by apppiontment.We do not welcome phone calls and walk-in's.Applicants who call or walk in for interview will risk their applications disqualified.
5,Currently we have over 90 lines throughout the consumer electronics range starting with walkmans, clock radios,portable stereos,CD players,television sets and video cassette recorders.There are no restricions on the sale of these products bur if any are exported it is your legal responsibility to check the goods meet all electrial requirements and relevant regulations for the country of import.Export enquities welcome.

clock radios闹钟收音机
video cassette recorders录象机
1, 许多人对此书作出贡献,一些是直接的-例如作者、编辑等—而另一些是通过他们的鼓励和支持的间接贡献。成为本书的编辑是令人振奋的。要在12个月内完成作品成为一个奇迹。和这样的同事一起工作成为一种特权。我们衷心谢谢你们的参与。
3,我们的欧洲代表J. Needham先生将在本月24日到30日抵达巴黎,并且我们邀请他在此期间抽空拜访你。他将向您展示手工生产线的全部样品,并授权讨论订货事宜和合同的签订。
5, 目前我们已有90多条消费型电子产品流水线,拳头产品包括随身听、闹钟收音机、便携式立体声(播放机)、CD播放机、电视和录象机。没有这些产品的销售限制。但是要出口的话,您必须承担法律责任去检查它们是否符合电子产品的所有规定以及进口国家的有关规定。出口事宜欢迎来电询问。
第1个回答  2006-07-02
1, Many people have contributed to this book,some directly-such as the authors, editors, and so on —and others indirectly,through their encouragement and support. To be the editors of this book has been exciting. To achieve its production within twelve months has been a miracle. To work with colleagues such as theses has been a privilege. We thank you all sincerely.

2,It is accepted that tourism is now the single largest economic activity in the European community,with potential for further growth. 观光事业成为欧洲社会的最大的经济活动,有着很大的潜能。It currently accounts foe 5 percent of the Community's gross domestic product, and 5 percent of all foreign trade;in employment terms it provides 8 milion jobs directly,and when indirect effects are taken into account the total rises to 16 million.
3,Our representative for Europe ,Mr J. Needham,will be in Paris from the 24th to the 30th of this month, and we have asked him to make an appointment to visit you during this period. He will have with him a full range of samples of our hand-made lines, and is suthorised to discuss the of an order with you or to negotiate a contract.

第2个回答  2006-07-02
1.许多人已经成为这一本书的因素, 一些直接地- , 像是作家,编者, 和如此在 -之上和其它间接地,透过他们的鼓励和支持。 是这一本书的编者已经使~兴奋。 在十二个月内达成它的制造已经是一个奇迹。 与同事 , 像是论题合作已经是一项特权。 我们全部真诚谢谢你
2.资讯科技是一般承认的那观光事业是现在欧洲的团体单一最大的经济活动,藉由潜能对于较进一步的生长。 资讯科技现在解释仇敌 5% 的社区国内生产毛额, 和 5% 的所有国际贸易;以雇用来说它直接地提供 8个 milion 工作, 而且当间接的效果被轮流的时候进入解释总上升到一千六百万之内。
3.前往欧洲, J. 先生 Needham 的我们代表, 将会在从第 24 个到这月第 30 日的巴黎,而且我们已经要求他约订一个约会在这时期期间叁观你。 他将会和他有我们的手制作的线完整范围样品, 而且是 suthorised 与你讨论那一个次序并且商议一份契约。
4.我们 offwe attactive 薪水和利益为训练和晋级对适当的候选人以机会包装。请用对下列的住址现在的和预期的薪水送完整的履历表。 也请为在信封上被应用的位置作标记。 相片和履历表将不被退还。由于潜能的候选人将会接受 apppiontment 的面谈。我们不欢迎电话和未经预约而来的人。申请者呼叫,或走入因为面谈将会冒他们的被丧失资格的申请危险
5.现在我们在消费性电子产品各处超过 90条行有范围有随身听,时钟收音机的出发, 手提式的音响,光盘驱动器,电视组和录象机。如果任何被输出它是你的合法职责到,没有在这些产品 bur 的售卖上的 restricions 检查货物为进口货的国家符合所有的 electrial 需求和有关的规则。输出品 enquities 欢迎。
第3个回答  2006-07-02
1.许多人已经成为这一本书的因素, 一些直接地- , 像是作家,编者, 和如此在 -之上和其它间接地,透过他们的鼓励和支持。 是这一本书的编者已经使~兴奋。 在十二个月内达成它的制造已经是一个奇迹。 与同事 , 像是论题合作已经是一项特权。 我们全部真诚谢谢你
2.资讯科技是一般承认的那观光事业是现在欧洲的团体单一最大的经济活动,藉由潜能对于较进一步的生长。 资讯科技现在解释仇敌 5% 的社区国内生产毛额, 和 5% 的所有国际贸易;以雇用来说它直接地提供 8个 milion 工作, 而且当间接的效果被轮流的时候进入解释总上升到一千六百万之内。
3.前往欧洲, J. 先生 Needham 的我们代表, 将会在从第 24 个到这月第 30 日的巴黎,而且我们已经要求他约订一个约会在这时期期间叁观你。 他将会和他有我们的手制作的线完整范围样品, 而且是 suthorised 与你讨论那一个次序并且商议一份契约。
4.我们 offwe attactive 薪水和利益为训练和晋级对适当的候选人以机会包装。请用对下列的住址现在的和预期的薪水送完整的履历表。 也请为在信封上被应用的位置作标记。 相片和履历表将不被退还。由于潜能的候选人将会接受 apppiontment 的面谈。我们不欢迎电话和未经预约而来的人。申请者呼叫,或走入因为面谈将会冒他们的被丧失资格的申请危险
5.现在我们在消费性电子产品各处超过 90条行有范围有随身听,时钟收音机的出发, 手提式的音响,光盘驱动器,电视组和录象机。如果任何被输出它是你的合法职责到,没有在这些产品 bur 的售卖上的 restricions 检查货物为进口货的国家符合所有的 electrial 需求和有关的规则。输出品 enquities 欢迎
第4个回答  2006-07-02
1, Many people have contributed to this book,some directly-such as the authors, editors, and so on —and others indirectly,through their encouragement and support. To be the editors of this book has been exciting. To achieve its production within twelve months has been a miracle. To work with colleagues such as theses has been a privilege. We thank you all sincerely.
2,It is accepted that tourism is now the single largest economic activity in the European community,with potential for further growth. It currently accounts foe 5 percent of the Community's gross domestic product, and 5 percent of all foreign trade;in employment terms it provides 8 milion jobs directly,and when indirect effects are taken into account the total rises to 16 million.
3,Our representative for Europe ,Mr J. Needham,will be in Paris from the 24th to the 30th of this month, and we have asked him to make an appointment to visit you during this period. He will have with him a full range of samples of our hand-made lines, and is suthorised to discuss the of an order with you or to negotiate a contract.
4,We offwe attactive salary and benefits packages with opportunities for training and promotion to the right candidates.Please send full resume with current and expected salary to the following address. Please also mark position applied on envelope. Photos and resumes will not be returned.Candidates with potential will be interviewed by apppiontment.We do not welcome phone calls and walk-in's.Applicants who call or walk in for interview will risk their applications disqualified.
5,Currently we have over 90 lines throughout the consumer electronics range starting with walkmans, clock radios,portable stereos,CD players,television sets and video cassette recorders.There are no restricions on the sale of these products bur if any are exported it is your legal responsibility to check the goods meet all electrial requirements and relevant regulations for the country of import.Export enquities welcome.
第5个回答  2006-07-02
1,许多人已经成为这一本书的因素, 一些直接地- , 像是作家,编者, 和如此在 -之上和其它间接地,透过他们的鼓励和支持。 是这一本书的编者已经使~兴奋。 在十二个月内达成它的制造已经是一个奇迹。 与同事 , 像是论题合作已经是一项特权。 我们全部真诚谢谢你。
2,资讯科技是一般承认的那观光事业是现在欧洲的团体单一最大的经济活动,藉由潜能对于较进一步的生长。 资讯科技现在解释仇敌 5% 的社区国内生产毛额, 和 5% 的所有国际贸易;以雇用来说它直接地提供 8个 milion 工作, 而且当间接的效果被轮流的时候进入解释总上升到一千六百万之内。
3, 我们的代表对于欧洲, J. 先生 Needham, 将会在从第 24 个到这月第 30 日的巴黎,而且我们已经要求他约订一个约会在这时期期间叁观你。 他将会和他有我们的手制作的线完整范围样品, 而且是 suthorised 与你讨论那一个次序并且商议一份契约。
4, 我们 offwe attactive 薪水和利益为训练和晋级对适当的候选人以机会包装。请用对下列的住址现在的和预期的薪水送完整的履历表。 也请为在信封上被应用的位置作标记。 相片和履历表将不被退还。由于潜能的候选人将会接受 apppiontment 的面谈。我们不欢迎电话和未经预约而来的人。申请者呼叫,或走入因为面谈将会冒他们的被丧失资格的申请危险。
5,现在我们在消费性电子产品各处超过 90条行有范围有随身听,时钟收音机的出发, 手提式的音响,光盘驱动器,电视组和录象机。如果任何被输出它是你的合法职责到,没有在这些产品 bur 的售卖上的 restricions 检查货物为进口货的国家符合所有的 electrial 需求和有关的规则。输出品 enquities 欢迎。