现在一首很流行的英文歌女生唱的高潮部分是Touch My Heart


第1个回答  2015-07-04
not this one ?

"Touch Up" is track #12 on the album Touch Up. It was written by Ryan Lee Guldemond.

Play Music

All my makeup, it has washed off
I need a touch up
Mascara all up in my eyes
Chemical hair dyes and highlights
Higher than my lights
Higher than highlights
My makeup, it has washed off
I need a touch up
I need a makeover dream
Exfoliant cream
Irons and proteins for my size
Cucumbers on my eyes
Tenderize my thighs
Film and foam
Tanner for skin tone
Nuclear bath balm
My makeup has washed off
I need a touch up
I need a touch up
Need a nip and a tuck
Need to be cropped and cut
I need a touch up
I need a haircut
Need a shave and a pluck
To help me get me fucked
I am a makeover queen
A swan out of duckling
Ugly duckling
You're drowning in makeup
My makeup has washed off
I forget that I can remember
When I was young climbing up fences
Scraping my knees
Dirt on my cheeks
Not one makeover queen bone in me
I recall the door bell was ringing
And there were Avon ladies singing wholesale
My makeup, it has washed off
I need a touch up

Ryan Lee Guldemond

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Read more: Mother Mother - Touch Up Lyrics | MetroLyrics本回答被网友采纳
第2个回答  2018-01-13
When You Say Nothing At All
歌手:Alison Krauss