
GO后面什么时候要加TO 为什么有时候句子中会是....to go ..... 还有时候是....to go to..... 以及 ....go to ....或者直接就是.....go .....

go vi. (goes[^Euz]; went[went]; gone[^Cn]) 去, 离去, 走, 驶; 旅行; 前往(做某事); 前进 通到, 到达; 延伸至 死; 垮; 坏; 停止存在; 断开; 废弃, 放弃; 消失; 衰退 (时间)消逝, 过去; (距离)走[经] 过 (机器等)运转[行]; 起作用; 行得通, 走[活]动; 工作 处于...状态; 习惯于; 倾向于, 有助于; 变成[为]; 就...而论 发生, 进行[展] 流传[行]; (货币)流通, 通行 发出响声, 发音; (钟)报点 放置; 装[纳]入; 被包容 (算术的)除得, (除)得整数商 归属于..., 落...手中 诉诸[求助]于; 查阅 合起来构成 花费; 消费; 卖, 卖得(...价) 相配, 协调; (诗、歌词)有节奏; (与曲调)相配(to) 迎合; 赶上 称为, 叫做 [只用现在分词]备有; 提供, 获得 ⑵⑽招惹, 惹来 ⑵ 判决, 裁定; 起[控]诉 ⑵ [用不定式作定语]剩下 ⑵ [美方]想; [用进行时态, 后接不定式]将要, 打算 go abroad 出国 go for a walk 去散步 go by train [car, air, water] 乘火车[汽车, 飞机, 轮船] 去 go on foot 走路去 go on a journey 去旅行 ten days to go before Easter 还有十天到复活节 go by one's own decision 照自己的决定行事 go armed 携带武器 go mad 发狂[疯] go blind 变瞎 go hungry 挨饿 go to court 诉诸法庭 go to a dictionary for a word 翻字典查一个词 The story goes that ... 据说... I must be going now. 我现在必须走了。 Where does the road go? 这条路通到哪里? This pipe goes to [into] the next room. 这条管道引伸[通往]隔壁房间。 He is gone. 他死了。 The company goes any day. 这公司随时会倒闭的。 His eyesight is going. 他的视力在减退。 The meat is going. 肉要坏了。 The pain had gone. 疼痛止住了。 The bulb has gone. 电灯泡坏了。 The engine in the old car finally went. 这辆旧汽车的发动机终于损坏了。 The evening went pleasantly enough. 晚上过得很愉快。 There are eight miles to go. 还有八英里(的路程)。 Spring has gone and summer is here. 春天已逝去, 夏天已经来临。 The watch won't go. 表不走了。 This machine goes by electricity. 这机器是由电推动的。 Her tongue goes nineteen to the dozen. 她喋喋不休说个没完。 Refugees often go hungry. 难民时常挨饿。 She has gone six months with child. 她怀孕六个月了。 My hair is going grey . 我的头发渐变花白了。 She is not a bad singer, as singers go. 照一般歌星的水准而言, 她还不错。 How goes it in your work? 你的工作进展情况如何? What's going on? 发生了什么事? A rumor went through the town . 谣言传遍全镇。 American bank notes go anywhere. 美钞到处都通用。 The clock