
Sandy 是一个美国女孩。她擅长体育,他喜欢游泳,但排球是她最喜欢的运动。她是学校排球队的优秀队员,在空闲时间她总是与她的同学一起在操场上打排球。她父母都是学校的体育老师,她们一家人经常谈论有关体育方面的事情。他们都喜欢运动。参考词汇:fine 优秀

Sandy is a America girl. She is good at sports, he likes swimming,but she likes sports volleyball is the most. She is the outstanding members of the school volleyball team, in my spare time she andher classmates in playing volleyball on the playground. Her parents are both the school's physical education teacher, they are one family often talk about sports. They all like sports. Vocabulary: finegood reference
第1个回答  2014-08-07
Sandy is an American girl. She is good at sports. She likes swimming, but volleyball is her favourite sport. She is a fine member in her school volleyball team. She always plays volleyball with her classmates in spare time. Her parents are both sports teachers in the school. They often talk about sports. They like sports either.