请高手帮我翻译两篇英文摘要,谢谢 要连贯点 翻译网站翻译的不好用

第二篇:刑事抗诉是指人民检察院对于人民法院的刑事判决、裁定(以下统称为刑事裁判) ,认为有错误或确有错误时,依照法定程序提出,要求人民法院重新审理并予以纠正的一种诉讼制度。按照引起审判程序不同,它可分为按照上诉程序抗诉(以下简称为二审抗诉) 和按照审判监督程序抗诉(以下简称为再审抗诉) 两种。在我国,抗诉权作为人民检察院履行法律监督职能的检察权之一,具有权威性、强制性、高效性。它既是权力监督的一种模式,又是权利救济的一条途径,同时还是审判权启动的一种动力一。但法律规定的不完善和实践中存在的问题,影响了该制度的有效发挥。本文对此问题提出一些不成熟的见解,及一些个人建议。

谢谢! 高分送上。。~

【Abstract】With the gradual development and improvement of the society ruled by law as well as the enhancement of citizens' legal sense, the protection of privacy has become one of highlights of the judicial protection, regarding which there are relevant legislations in various countries worldwide. Compared with the content of the legal system of the most developed country - the US, the protection of privacy in China leaves a lot to be desired in diverse aspects. The legal protection of privacy in China lacks strengths, which is in evidence at few obvious pertinent laws and regulations and at preliminary appearance of the privacy rights in statutes, which often leads to disadvantages for the part of the protection of privacy. Therefore, it should not be neglected, both theoretically and practically, that the laws directly protect the privacy rights of citizens'. The author hereby tries to propose some personal advice with the experience obtained in professional learning and in the training.

【Abstract】A "Criminal Protest" is a rule in which, under the circumstances that the People's Procuratorate deem as wrong or de facto wrong the People's Court's criminal judgments or rulings, the former, pursuant to the legal procedure, propose their relevant opinions to the latter and demand the latter's retrials and corrections. In compliance with differences of judgment procedures trigering criminal protests, they can be classified into two patterns: the protest pursuant to the appellate procedure (hereafter as the "protest in the second trial") and the protest pursuant to the procedure of judicial supervision (hereafter as the "protest in the retrial"). As one of procuratorial powers by which the People's Procuratorate exercise their functions of legal supervision in China, the power of protest is authoritative, compulsory and efficient. It is not only a mode of supervision over the use of power, but also a way of relief and a motive of launching the judicial authority. However, it is negatively influenced by the incomplete laws and regulations as well as problems present in the practice. The paper proposes some immature opinions and personal advice regarding the problems mentioned above.

第1个回答  2009-04-20
The first: With the gradual progress of society, the rule of law and sound to enhance legal awareness among citizens, for the protection of individual privacy protection has become one of the priorities of the administration of justice. This world to protect the privacy of citizens are regulated by legislation, compared to developed countries - the United States legal system to protect the privacy of our citizens have yet to be improved, and this improvement is multi-faceted. China's existing laws on the citizens of the lack of privacy protection, and protection of privacy there is no clear laws and regulations, but so has shown initial signs of privacy laws on the statute book, often to protect the privacy of citizens adverse, the direct use of legal means to protect citizens Privacy has become a theory and practice should not be ignored. I tested the professional knowledge and practical experience obtained in this to make some personal opinion.
Second: the criminal appeal is the People's Procuratorate of the People's Court criminal judgments and rulings (hereinafter collectively referred to as criminal justice), that there is an error or mistake, in accordance with legal procedures, requirements and people's court for a rehearing to correct a system of litigation. Arising from the trial in accordance with the procedures, it can be divided into the appeal process in accordance with the appeal (hereinafter referred to as the second instance appeal) and the appeal in accordance with the Procedure for Trial Supervision (hereinafter referred to as the retrial appeal) two. In our country, the right to protest against the ruling People's Procuratorate, as a function of legal supervision to fulfill one of the prosecutorial power, authoritative, mandatory, high efficiency. It is a model for the power of supervision and the right to relief is a way, is also a driving force in the jurisdiction of a start. However, the law of the defects and problems that exist in practice, affect the effective functioning of the system. This article raised this issue a number of immature opinion, and some personal recommendations.
第2个回答  2009-04-21
The first: With the gradual progress of society, the rule of law and sound to enhance legal awareness among citizens, for the protection of individual privacy protection has become one of the priorities of the administration of justice. This world to protect the privacy of citizens are regulated by legislation, compared to developed countries - the United States legal system to protect the privacy of our citizens have yet to be improved, and this improvement is multi-faceted. China's existing laws on the citizens of the lack of privacy protection, and protection of privacy there is no clear laws and regulations, but so has shown initial signs of privacy laws on the statute book, often to protect the privacy of citizens adverse, the direct use of legal means to protect citizens Privacy has become a theory and practice should not be ignored. I tested the professional knowledge and practical experience obtained in this to make some personal opinion.

Second: the criminal appeal is the People's Procuratorate of the People's Court criminal judgments and rulings (hereinafter collectively referred to as criminal justice), that there is an error or mistake, in accordance with legal procedures, requirements and people's court for a rehearing to correct a system of litigation. Arising from the trial in accordance with the procedures, it can be divided into the appeal process in accordance with the appeal (hereinafter referred to as the second instance appeal) and the appeal in accordance with the Procedure for Trial Supervision (hereinafter referred to as the retrial appeal) two. In our country, the right to protest against the ruling People's Procuratorate, as a function of legal supervision to fulfill one of the prosecutorial power, authoritative, mandatory, high efficiency. It is a model for the power of supervision and the right to relief is a way, is also a driving force in the jurisdiction of a start. However, the law of the defects and problems that exist in practice, affect the effective functioning of the system. This article raised this issue a number of immature opinion, and some personal recommendations.