
怎样把握英语文章中时态的用法? 写文章时时态老是把握不好。老是写原形,请问怎样才能把握好时态的用法!



三.现在将来时的同义句型以及 shall 的用法。













原型 三单 现在分词 过去式 过去分词

be is being was,were been

have has having had had

get gets getting got got

do does doing did done

take takes taking took taken

eat eats eating ate eaten

study studies studying studied studied

watch watches watching watched watched

go goes going went gone

run runs running ran ran

come comes coming came come

see sees seeing saw seen

say says saying said said

tell tells telling told told

swim swims swimming swam swum

give gives giving gave given

meet meets meeting met met

buy buys buying bought bought

pay pays paying paid paid

let lets letting let let

spend spends spending spent spent

teach teaches teaching taught taught

think thinks thinking thought thought

make makes making made made

write writes writing wrote written

hear hears hearing heard heard

speak speaks speaking spoke spoken

read reads reading read read

know knows knowing knew known

drink drinks drinking drank drunk

bring brings bringing brought brought

stand stands standing stood stood

wash washes washing washed washed

find finds finding found found

worry worries worrying worried worried

begin begins beginning began begun

drive drives driving drove driven

draw draws drawing drew drawn

try tries trying tried tried

lend lends lending lent lent

sleep sleeps sleeping slept slept

arrive arrives arriving arrived arrived

live lives living lived lived

cut cuts cutting cut cut

put puts putting put put

keep keeps keeping kept kept

sweep sweeps sweeping swept swept

feel feels feeling felt felt

forget forgets forgetting forgot forgotten

build builds building built built

leave leaves leaving left left

use uses using used used

finish finishesfinishing finished finished

become becomes becoming became become

carry carries carrying carried carried

send sends sending sent sent

throw throws throwing threw thrown

break breaks breaking broke broken

finish finishes finishing finished finished

catch catches catching caught caught

sell sells selling sold sold

die dies dying died died

fly flies flying flew flown

change changes changing changed changed

cry cyies crying cried cried

grow grows growing grew grown

ring rings ringing rang rung

steal steals stealing stole stolen

marry marries marrying married married

rise rises rising rose risen

raise raises raising raised raised

lie lies lying laid lain

lie lies lying lied lied

fight fights fighting fought fought

burn burns burning burnt burnt

erase erases erasing erased erased

beat beats beating beat beaten

hit hits hitting hit hit




(1).一般问句 Do you get up early ?

(2).特殊问句 When do you get up ?

(3).反义问句 You get up early,don't you?

(4).否定句 You do not get up early.

(5).倒装句 He gets up early,so do I.

(6).同级类比 He gets up as early as I do.

(7).比较级 He gets up earlier than I do.

(8).强调句 I do get up early.

以上我们只是利用助动词 do 对其用法做了一下展示。由此及彼,其他时态的助动词也具备如同 do 一样的用法。这就需要我们对其他时态的助动词进行认真地学习和练习。

(1)一般现在时: do/does/am/is/are

(2)现在将来时: will/shall

(3)现在进行时: be(am/is/are)

(4)现在完成时: have/has

(5)一般过去时: did/was/were

(6)过去将来时: would

(7)过去进行时: be(was/were)

(8)过去完成时: had



以上这些时态的助动词,难学的是 do/does/did/。除了这三个助动词,其他助动词都加带在各个句子之中,较为容易识别。而这三个助动词不出现在肯定句中,要加以注意。下面,我们列举一些例句,看一看不同时态里不同的助动词的不同的用法:(找一找助动词并将例句译为中文)

(1)Do you mind my smoking here?

(2)Will you come to join us?

(3)I will not tell you what to do.

(4)where did you go?

(5)What are you doing there?

(6)You have been there twice,haven't you?

(7)What did you say ?

(8)Where shall we meet?

(9)She gets up as early as her mother does.

(10)Are you asking me to help you?

(11)Does your brother live with your parents?

(12)Shall we have a talk about it?

(13)They are worrying about you.

(14)I am listening to English much more carefully than he is.

(15)Have you seen the film yet?

(16)She has never made any friends with her classmates,has she?

(17)They wrote their homework,so did I.

(18)Where are you going?

(19)Come in,will you?

(20)Let's go to cinema,shall we?
三.现在将来时的同义句型及 shall 的用法。

英语中的现在将来时(will/shall + do 动词原形),常用来表示自然规律中即将发生的动作,往往是不以人的意志为转移的。如:


We will have a winter holiday next week.


We will have no way out if he refuses.



Shall we have a meeting to discuss about it?


Shall I give her a call?


We will plant some trees around the playground.


1. be going to do...计划,打算,准备......

2. be about to do...刚要,这就,正准备......


1.I am going to study abroad next year.

2.We are going to have a dinner party.

3.They are going to have another talk with that company.

4.I am about to give you a call.

5.She is about to leave .

6.They are about to go shopping.

而 shall 在现在将来时态中,只为第一人称服务(I,we),且多用于一般问句中,用以表示征求对方意见:

1. Shall I...?

2. Shall we...?


1.Shall I wait for you at the gate?


2.Shall we have a meeting to discuss about it?


3.Shall we tell him this earlier?


4.Let's go home together, shall we?


对于 shall 的用法,还是要放到日常口语中进行大量的练习,才能培养出英语在此语法问题上的语感,才能体会出其真正的含义。



1.come 2.go 3.come 4.arrive

5.buy 6.sell 7.lend 8.borrow

9.give 10.get 11.die 12.return

13.leave 14.begin15.start 16.finish

17.turn on 18.turn off 19.get to

20.get on 21.get off 22.put on

23.take off 24.stop



(1)He has already come here.

(2)They have ever bought dictionaries.

(3)She has died.

(4)They told me that he had returned the book.

(5)We asked him whether he had got the message.


(1)He has already died for ten years.( X )

(2)They have already come here for 2 days. ( X )

(3)I have already bought this car for 3 years.( X )

(4)She has borrowed the book for nearly one week.( X )

(5)I have got this message from him for half an hour.( X )


(1)仍然用完成时态,可将非延续性动词改为延续性动词(多用be + 形容词句型或用 had 等延续性动词)




A.He has already died. ( V )

B.He has already died for 10 years.( X )

C.He has already been dead for 10 years.( V )

D.He died 10 years ago. ( V )


A.I have already bought this house.( V )

B.I have already bought this house for 3 years.( X )

C.I have already had this house for 3 years. ( V )

D.I bought this house 3 years ago. ( V )


A.They have already arrived here.( V )

B.They have already arrived here for 5 days.( X )

C.They have been here for 5 days.( V )

D.They arrived here 5 days ago.( V )


A.The meeting has already begun.( V )

B.The meeting has already begun for half an hour.( X )

C.The meeting has been on for half an hour.( V )

D.The meeting began half an hour ago.( V )






构成: be + done (过去分词)

助动词: be (am,is,are,was,were 等)

难点:被动语态的构成 be + done 与不同时态或句型的联用。

1.am ,is,are + done... 一般现在时

2.was,were + done... 一般过去时

3.will,shall be + done... 现在将来时

4.am,is,are being + done... 现在进行时

5.was,were being + done ... 过去进行时

6.have,has been + done ... 现在完成时

7.had been + done ... 过去完成时

8.would be + done ... 过去将来时


1.I am always taught to be honest.


2.He is always beaten by his father.


3.We are always kept in the classroom during the breaks.


4.She was cheated by her one of her best friends yesterday.


5.You will be punished if you break the rules.


6.The accident car is being carried away by the traffic police.


7.They have already been told that the meeting has been canceled.


8.I asked him whether he had been informed or not.




在英语主从复合句中,“四大难点”的掌握是关键 。其中时态的前后呼应以及“主将从现”是必须关注的重点之一:



(1)He always says that he is a top student at school.

(2)He always says that he was a top student at school 10 years ago.


(1)He told me that he had seen the film"Gone With The Wind" twice.

(2)He asked whether they were going to have a holiday.



(1)We will have a meeting when he comes back.

(2)They are going to have an outing if it does not rain tomorrow.

第1个回答  2009-03-21