新概念2的第22课多选题的理解的第二题:Both girls ____ .

A.meet regularly now(据本人感觉应该是不对)
B.correspond in the normal way now(如果让我懵,我选它)
C.send notes to each other in bottles(这个应该不对吧,不是bottles,是letter吧)
D.travel regularly now(好像也对呢)

A glass envelope
My daughter,Jane,never dreamed of receving a letter from a girl of her own age in Holland. Last year,we were travekking across the Channel abd Hane put a piece of paper with her name and address on it into a bottle.She threw the bottle into the sea.She never thought of it again, but ten months later,she received a letter from a girl in Holland.Both girls write to each other regularly now.However,they have decided to use the post office.letters will cost a little more,but they will certainly travel faster.
答案是 B.correspond in the normal way now依据是Both girls write to each other regularly now.However,they have decided to use the post office.
其他选项 都不对
A.meet regularly now(文章中没有提到 故 不对)

C.send notes to each other in bottles(互相 用 漂流瓶 写信 是不可能 )
D.travel regularly now(文章中没有提到 故 不对)