

1. energy, ['en�0�5d�0�1i]n.活力, 干劲, 能力He is full of energy.他充满了活力。
精力As people approach old age, their energies may diminish.接近老年时, 人的精力就衰退了。〈物〉能, 能量, 能源Plants absorb energy from the sun.植物吸收太阳的能量。energize,['en�0�5d�0�1aiz]vt.给与…精力, 能量使通电energetic[,en�0�5'd�0�1etik]adj.精力充沛的, 充满活力的

2.belief,名词 n.1.相信, 信任2.信念, 信仰believe,vt. & vi.相信I quite believe!我非常相信。vt.认为, 想We believe him an excellent student.我们认为他是个优秀学生。vi.
信仰They believe in Christianity.他们信仰基督教。beliveable形容词 adj.1.可信的believing形容词 adj.1.有信仰的 3.connection,[k�0�5'nek�0�6�0�5n]n.连接, 联结How long will the connection of the telephone take?接通电话需要多长时间呢?联系; 关系The company has connections with a number of American firms.这家公司与许多美国公司有往来。连接点; 连接物There is a faulty connection in the fusebox.保险丝盒里接错了线。熟人, 业务上的客户I heard about it through one of my business connections.我通过一个生意上的客户知道了这件事。

名词 n.1.连通性 connect[k�0�5'nekt]vt. & vi.连接, 联结The wires connect under the floor.电线是在地板下接通的。把…看作有关联; 由…联想到I cannot connect the two things in my mind.在我心中, 我无法将这两件事情联系在一起。给…接通电话The telephone operator connected us.话务员给我们接通了电话。,connected形容词 adj.1.连接的, 有关系的, 有联系的2.有社交〔职业、商业〕关系的 He’s well connected in political circles.他在政界结识了不少有权有势的人物。3.有血统〔婚姻〕关系的 Most European royal families are connected with each other.欧洲大部分王室都有姻亲关系
connective形容词 adj.1.起连接作用的2.连接的, 联结的 The surgeon cut through connective tissue to expose the bone.外科医生割开结缔组织, 让骨头露出来。名词 n.1.连接词2.连接物, 结合物
第1个回答  2013-07-19
按照顺序energy, energize,energetibelief,believe,beliveableconnection, connect,connected