英语作文:请你根据下表提供的消息,给你的笔友Li Lei写一封回信告诉他你周末的生活变化

过去早晨七点起床,现在六点;过去晚上看电视 九点睡觉,现在做作业 十一点睡觉;过去课外时间用来打网球或踢足球;现在用来学习

Dear Li Lei
I'm very glad to receive your letter,Let me tell you something about my weekend life,I used to get up at 7 o'clock,but now i get up at 6.00.I always watched TV in the evening ,and go to bed at 9.00 in the past.But now i do my homework and At 11 o'clock to sleep. Past free time is used to play tennis or football,now used to study.
I'm looking forward to hearing from you.

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